Tiger Barb Mates?

love cichlids

Fish Crazy
Jan 23, 2005
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I have a tall 45 gallon corner tank with very good filtration. I have 3 tiger barbs in there right now. Had 2 angel fish, I think the barbs harrassed them to their death, one after another. I need some advice for some COMPATIBLE mates for these little terrors. I heard a red tailed shark can go in with them, is so what else can I put in with the fish. Picture of tank below.

I think the first new tankmates have to be atleast another 3 tiger barbs,
A ) Theres plenty of room in your tank.
B ) A shoal of tiger barbs look great (i have 9 :rolleyes: )
C ) Being in a group makes them less aggressive so widens up the tankmate choices slightly.

Now for Tankmates... Too be honest this will be an interesting tread for me aswell as ive been looking for asian tankmates for my Asian/Barb tank.

A single Red tail shark should make a good tankmate but grow quite large, i dont no if your tanks big enough (really i dont! we'll have to wait for another member more knowledgeable than me to answer)

I think aslong as the tankmates dont have long or flowing fins and arnt to placid, it should be a good start
I was planning on more barbs, i was thinking of 3 more tiger barbs and see if there is another type of barb that is nice looking and get 6 of those type. Yeah, i am not sure if my tank is big enough either for a red tailed shark. Anyone out there know??
I was planning on more barbs, i was thinking of 3 more tiger barbs and see if there is another type of barb that is nice looking and get 6 of those type. Yeah, i am not sure if my tank is big enough either for a red tailed shark. Anyone out there know??
The tank is big enough in volume, but surface area I'm not sure of. What are the dimensions?

I would add about 7 more tiger barbs so you'll have a nice school, and then if your tank is big enough the rts. If it's not, then maybe some cories or loaches would be good.
I'm no expert but have some experience as I have a shoal of tiger barbs - normal, green and albino together so there's lots of variety. I also have a small group of Odessa barbs who seem to get on perfectly well with the Tigers. I have blue tetras and corys and they all seem OK, although the tigers chased the corys for a while when the corys first went in.

As already mentioned, your first priority must be more tigers - if you want variety, go for different colours - but try to make sure the new ones are the same size as your existing ones.

I would suggest staying away from anything that cannot swim fast enough to escape their attentions. I've heard that rainbowfish might be a good tankmate (they are next on my list!).

Good luck!
Get 7 more tiger barbs, maybe add 6 cherry barbs and get something like a bristlenose for the bottom of your tank.

orange shark
There isnt enough surface volume in that tank for 7 more Tiger barbs & 6 Cherry Barbs.

You have to look at their potential size and its fairly obvious
Today I bought a male and female kribensis. They are compatible with barbs. I will go back tomorrow because I forgot I need some more tiger barbs and see if there is another type of barb I can buy. The kribs are so cute, I had them before so when I saw them at the petstore I had to buy them. This petstore never has them.
Went and bought 3 more tiger barbs and 6 gold barbs so now the tank is the way i want it. Have been doing alot of fish shopping and plant shopping for my tanks. Haven't done nothing with them for quite some time. Now I am happy. Well, almost. Need co2 for 30 gallon for the plants, and a better light and then i can go crazy with plants and the plants in there can do so much better than they are now. So only the one tank I need to work on now.
tiger barbs can go with angel fish as long as you have 8+ barbs so they will chase each other around , and not those long fined angles.
Never tiger barbs with angel fish. I learned that the hard way, they killed my 2 angelfish. I have heard it, after I learned the hard way, at lfs many times when looking at fish. So NEVER NEVER NEVER.
honestly you tank seems alittle small. maybe its just the picture.
i would say to add more barbs as the first move. they look real good in shoals, around 5-9. being in shoals keeps them away from other fishes. they'd just chase each other around. i dont see why angels would be a problem. i use to have 4 angels with 6 barbs and they get along fine.

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