Tiger Barb Concern


Fish Fanatic
Dec 29, 2005
Reaction score
Falkirk Scotland.

I have 8 very small Green tiger barbs in my tank for just over a week one seems very on its own just sitting in the plants. It never seems to muck about or swin in the shoal with the rest of them. It does feed when food is put in but I am a little concerened for the fish. It has no apparent illness and is not moving akwardley.

Do Tiger Barbs go about on there own?

Tank is 260L all water conditions ok. Other occupants 4 x Zebra Danio 1 x RTB shark

Looking for other occupants also what would go best with the rest?

Hi cybortech

individual fish stay apart from others. Breathing is normal. They may refuse food. They may have "cloudy" or grey areas on the skin. There are no other physical signs.
Lethargy and inappetence are common symptoms of many diseases, so further investigation is essential

1) Fish may be suffering from a parasite problem.

2) There could be internal disease problems

3) Early stage of systemic bacterial infection. Isolate and observe

Taken from http://www.fishdoc.co.uk/disease/clinicalsigns.htm

are there any other symptoms at all, or just what you have described?
it really is too hard to give a difinative diagnosis at this stage, if you can
it is best to issolate the fish and observe it for further symptoms.

I had a systemic bacterial outbreak in one of my tanks and lost 90% of the inhabitants
so isolation is essential for this.
Hi Wolf

Thanks again for the reply. I am concerened regarding the other fish the option I have is regarding my 60L Biorb I have 4 x Neon Tetra and 1 x swordtail and 1 x Red dwarf gourami so that is the only Isolation option Would it be okay to move the fish from the Biorb into the main tank loads of room i know the TBs may nip the swordtail but there is seven of them left I think the gourami will be no problem not sure about the Neons.

Not the greatest tank but can i use the Biorb as Isolation tank.

Thanks again.

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