Tiger barb compatability


Fish Crazy
May 4, 2004
Reaction score
Halifax, West Yorkshire
Hi all,

I'm just starting my third tank and was wanting a few second opinions.

The tank is a 50cm cube and holds 110 litres of water and has a fluval 404, which is supposed to filter 225 litres. On to the question anyway.

I really like tiger barbs but have so far avoided them because of their bad rep. However I'm considering putting them in my new tank with either an mainly cichlid community such as rams and maybee a blue acara or with a couple of silver dollars. Whichever I go for I will probabbly put some bottom feeders in aswell like cory etc.

Has anybody else out there mixed tiger barbs in community and if so do you think they'll be ok in a tank such as either above. Secondly will the dollars have enough room, I have two in my larger tank and know how fast they grow, but I;m thinking of only putting two in.

Any thought would be appreceiated.

Thanks! :)
:hi: to the forum. Introduce yourself in the newbie section.

No, silver dollars need more than 33 gallons of water. They get huge and will not do well in there. However, I know nothing of the other fish.

However, tiger barbs leave other fish alone if there is a large school of them (8+) and if the other fish aren't slow or have huge fins.

HTH, and good luck. :D
I agree with tempestuousfury if you give tiger barbs enough of their own they will spend all their time sorting out the pecking order and chasing one another and wont worry about the other fish (except the big flowing fin guys). WIth many barbs, tigers included, there are single fish that will be aggressive to everything but not all of them are like this and if they have enough room in the tank and enough of their own kind they will do fine. :)
I had several tiger barbs. I traded them in because they were too nippy. I believe the more you have, the nippier they are :eek: My LFS store had told me that, but I tried them. Good luck to you, I hope yours are calmer than mine were. I don't know if I'd put them in a tank with anything else. Check out different stores, you'll probably notice they have them in tanks by themself. :/

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