Do you have any saltwater fish stores around you?...
At the regular ones around here they sell them for like $1 each, but a couple of the more saltwater oriented stores that I stop into sell them as feeders for like 15 cents each, or 10 for $1. The one has a heavily planted 75 gallon tank just full of them, they just let them go and they grow and reproduce enough to ever run out.
I have yet to pick some up, as I am usually too busy drooling over corals to remember the shrimp.
At the regular ones around here they sell them for like $1 each, but a couple of the more saltwater oriented stores that I stop into sell them as feeders for like 15 cents each, or 10 for $1. The one has a heavily planted 75 gallon tank just full of them, they just let them go and they grow and reproduce enough to ever run out.
I have yet to pick some up, as I am usually too busy drooling over corals to remember the shrimp.