Do you have any saltwater fish stores around you?...

At the regular ones around here they sell them for like $1 each, but a couple of the more saltwater oriented stores that I stop into sell them as feeders for like 15 cents each, or 10 for $1. The one has a heavily planted 75 gallon tank just full of them, they just let them go and they grow and reproduce enough to ever run out.
I have yet to pick some up, as I am usually too busy drooling over corals to remember the shrimp.
kevin007 said:
mine have bread before i killed them (dont wanna get into that) but i spared my baby ghost's life...
HeHeHe! I wouldn't get into that one again either! You took a lot of crap!!! You decided to keep some little ones though eh? Well I hope you have better luck with them!

I found today that World Wide Aquarium near where I live outside philadelphia sells them for 5 for $0.99USD So if you look around some more you could probably find them cheaper. if not I hear they're relatively easy to breed.
if you really want to see tigers go absolutely MAD try a teeny tiny bit of strong cheddar cheese in your tank..................they go absolutely nuts for it & are really funny to watch.
HOWEVER im not suggesting you feed cheese to your fish on a reg basis as apparently it is VERY BAD for them at all as they cannot digest mammal protein. but we did it once before we knew this & it was hillarious to watch. :D :D
hey drobbins 4.99 i s alot! ive bought them at my lfs 10/1.49 and all my fish love them. as far as breeding goes i asked my lfs the same question they said it can be done but it is difficult and you will most likely lose quite a bit of the adults in the process hope this helps. :D

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