
Fish Herder
Mar 13, 2004
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Searching Lake Ontario for tropical fish...No luck
Yesterday, while at Big Als, I found some Ghost Shrimp and saw that they were 10 for 4.99. So, I bought ten, and brought them home, and put them naively into my 90g to help with keeping the bottom clean. As soon as they touched the water, my Tiger Barbs went into a complete FRENZY and started thrashing around, hunting for these shrimp. Within seconds, 7/10 had dissapeared and within 5 mins, 2 more were gone. The remaining one is always in the plants, he is really big, and the Tiger Barbs are going WILD. They havent stopped whizzing around the tank, in hunt mode, trying to find the remaining shrimp. They have turned into the most interesting fish, very entertaining. I still love my Oscars tho ;)

I am now going to buy ghost shrimp as a treat for my fishies. Anybody know how to breed these bad boys? (ghostshrimp)
Do they sell live feeder shrimps where you are? I feed around 150 of what we call river shrimp to my fish each week but i believe these are what are commonly sold as ghost shrimp elsewhere (though i may be wrong), i buy these at 50p for 10 which is a lot cheaper than $4.99.
10 for 4.99??? Dang that's a lot in my opinon. My lfs sells them at 10 for a 1.00 and if you just want 1 or 2 they just give them to you. I think to breed them you need at least 6-10 in a tank of their own. Have lots of plants around too. I could be wrong.

Are the rest of your fish interested in the shrimp? I might give it a try in my 29g. :cool:
Do they sell live feeder shrimps where you are? I feed around 150 of what we call river shrimp to my fish each week but i believe these are what are commonly sold as ghost shrimp elsewhere (though i may be wrong), i buy these at 50p for 10 which is a lot cheaper than $4.99.

I dont think they are they are the same, but I may be wrong. I also feed my fish River Shrimp but I buy it freeze dried from NutraFin. They are filled in, instead of translucent. Who knows, try getting a picture.

10 for 4.99??? Dang that's a lot in my opinon. My lfs sells them at 10 for a 1.00 and if you just want 1 or 2 they just give them to you. I think to breed them you need at least 6-10 in a tank of their own. Have lots of plants around too. I could be wrong.

Really? Mine is Canadian currency, remmeber (i dont know what yours is) Im going to further research breeding them and will get back to you on that.


Are the rest of your fish interested in the shrimp? I might give it a try in my 29g.

ALL of my fish loved them! Oscars had some, SD's tried but were too slow I think. It was crazy, a frenzy I tell you. I gave my puffers one and they just left it tho...

By the way, does anybody know where to buy these SUPER cheap, I mean like BULK. I would love to buy a little 10g and fill it up and then use them as regular feeders (still using pellets and shrimp tabs tho)

Oh, and all you Tiger Barb lovers, dont buy Hygro Difformis...My SD's and Tigers mowed the two large Wisteria plants down in a day!
oh my god!
the petcetera here sells one ghost shrimp for like 2.99 or something rediculious!
i had to go to another store and they charged me 1.99 a peice!
they aren't so common around here and they aren't used as feeders very often (unless bred at home) :unsure:
THey are $0.15 a piece around here. I have bred them in a 10 gallon, slightly brackish tank. They were the only thing in there besides pond snails. Also in the tank was some java moss. temperature in the mid 70's (74-76.)
Hope this helps.
mine have bread before i killed them (dont wanna get into that) but i spared my baby ghost's life and they basically breed on their own? i just gravel..that's all and after 2 months..i found 1 ghost shrimp, probably more but got eaten -_-'

they are like guppies, u don't have to do anything in particular to breed those...right?
kevin007 said:
mine have bread before i killed them (dont wanna get into that) but i spared my baby ghost's life and they basically breed on their own? i just gravel..that's all and after 2 months..i found 1 ghost shrimp, probably more but got eaten -_-'

they are like guppies, u don't have to do anything in particular to breed those...right?
like toast? :lol:
isn't it supposed to be bred? :huh:
Pointy_kitty said:
kevin007 said:
mine have bread before i killed them (dont wanna get into that) but i spared my baby ghost's life and they basically breed on their own? i just gravel..that's all and after 2 months..i found 1 ghost shrimp, probably more but got eaten -_-'

they are like guppies, u don't have to do anything in particular to breed those...right?
like toast? :lol:
isn't it supposed to be bred? :huh:
:*) sorry...spelling error...now i'm hungry :S
Hey put them in with the puffs if they don't eat them someone said they kept them in brackish. Aren't you looking for a bottom feeder anyway. Kill two birds with one stone. :)

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