Grief is not what I would exactly call a comment on a forum, its merely the truth so that part of the equation doesn't make a difference. Yeah you are doing everything in your power to make them comfortable, responsible fish keeping, that is great. Of course people on here are going to help, most of them are great keepers with a great knowledge base. We are all newbies at some point, mistakes happen, had a few myself and we all need advice at some point, dont deny that, however, its simple with a bit of research and so many people dont do that when its so easy to do so, ignorance is just a poor excuse.
The point is, I didn't ask questions about cycling. This was not my first post on this forum. And funny how you are telling me my ignorance is a poor excuse, however it seems you fish-in cycled as well!!! I did do my research about the fish I was interested in, but yes I do agree I didn't research enough about how to get the tank ready. I had several friends that have had fish before and none of them knew about fishless cycling, and I trusted my LFS too much. I wouldn't call that ignorance.
Regardless, this post is pointless anymore. I've gotten the answers I needed.