Tiger Barb Acting Strange


New Member
Oct 18, 2007
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hiya my first post so i i'll say hi. well the problem is i bought 5 tiger barb today 2 moss tiger barb 2 tiger barb and 1 albino tiger. one of the moss tigers is acting strange he keeps laying on his side floating about the tank, then swims to the top then just drops to the gravel looks like he has no life in him. do you guys know the problem? o yea forgot to say he was like this in the bag from the shop. thanks for any help.
sounds a bit iffy to me.

if they're on their side with their nose down then that sometimes is showing off to the females.

I'd see if you could take him/her back
Hi Quickbricky, welcome to the forum. :hi:

How long has your tank been set up, what size is the tank, and how many other fish are in there?
Need to fill in some of the questions asked.
Size of tank in gallons or litres.
Water stats in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate, and ph.
Has he bloated up as laying to oneside can be swim bladder if he's finding it hard to get off the substrate.
Shelled peas
http://www.hv3.7h.com/Swim Bladder Disease.html

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