Three pregnant guppies


New Member
Aug 13, 2021
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Hey everyone. I'm a new user. I recently bought a tank with fish from a neighbour and only realised after I bought them that three guppies seem to be pregnant (there are four guppies in total- one of which is male). The tank is 55L (12 gallon). Is it feasible to keep and raise all the baby fish in my existing tank? If not, has anyone dealt with this before and know what to do?
your guppies will keep producing your soon been overrun with them a 12 gallon tank will be suitable to grow 15 to 20 babies on to adults
Ahh I see.. thanks! I know tetras eat their young if they're not separated. Is this the same for guppies?
to start off with many of the guppy fry will be eaten as time goes on the adult fish will get used to the babys swimming around before you know it will be overrun with them
I would suggest calling your local fish store and seeing if they are willing to trade the females out for males for you. Or see if they will take any fry.
The females hold sperm packets and will continue to produce fry for up to 10 months, even if the male is taken out. Your best bet is to get rid of the females, unless you have other fish to feed the fry or are willing to cull them.

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