Everything loves mealworms!tried some meal worms, chopped up, seemed to go down well. could do with some help on the amount for these three though.They are great for that reason, but you'll barely use any of the packet for 3 newts, you'll know they are so fatty it's only really a treat for them. I'd onl keep the packet for 2-3 weeks before putting the remainder out for the birds, otherwise you'll find you have a box full of beetles!
When I feed newts mealworms i give them 3 worms at a time and they manage them easily without chopping, but thats only with the bigger newts, for smaller newts I give them two waxworms at a go (easier to bite for their small jaws).
But you don't want to really be giving them more than around 3 a week each - the fat content really is quite crazy, and I know that with reptiles they can get hooked on them then not eat anything else, resulting in them starving. I've never heard about that with any amphibians, but best to be on the safe side.
lol i blagged the worms from a local lizard keeper. and thanks for the suggested amounts!!

i am in the process of starting a compost bucket, this, when its up and running, should give me a good supply of "clean" and healthy earth worms. i also have a old pond filter body, catching rain, during spring and summer i should have some nice nymphs for them to try! i already feed the odd "Ginny spinner" (crane-fly) to my fish so will try that too.
incidentally, if you have a nice clean compost supply, it makes it a doddle to "fishless cycle a tank. the stuff from this type of thing is full of the bacteria you need. add ammonia from an "Err" natural source and your off. finished sooner than most cycling systems, averages 12 days till stock is ok.