Three Newts And A New Tank


Aug 1, 2006
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On completion of the cycle we decided to use the 20ukg tank to house some Chinese Firebelly newts.

i filled the tank to just short of 3/4 full, this allowed some of the decor to stick out of the water to give the newts some dry sitting areas. the addition of a plant, which has leafs sitting on top of the water, gave them plenty of places in air. i used 1/4 inch gravel, it seems they have a habit of swallowing smaller grades, and popped some little cave/box type decorations for them to explore. apart from that, a 13w tube, i have the light on a timer giving 10 hours of light and that is the setup. i use no heater, the house rarely drops below 23c.

i bought and added two. keen to see how they went in the new environment. both bolted straight to the top of the filter, staying there for an hour or so, they then just dived in and made themselves at home. this was a thrill, as it can take some time for new newts to enter the water. i added a third about a month later. it went right to the filter too, but put its body straight into the water.

i have been doing 40% water changes, weekly, and feed every two days, with frozen blood worm, i will experiment with food types as time goes on.

watching them, they tend to spend long periods of time, almost, motionless. but they are far from one speed critters and both amble and fly around as the whim takes them. the do seem social, you often find all three sitting together looking in different directions, but on the whole they tend to wander alone. i have yet to witness any aggression, of any kind. all three have shed their skins, at least once.

and that's about all to report for the moment. apart for to say they are cracking critters.
interesting, newts are great little guys. You got any pics of your setup?

ahh now there's the rub! this tank was supposed to be for my wife. we have very different views on how a tank should look, so, to this end we agreed she should choose the gravel and deccor for this tank. the result is bright pink gravel and psychedelic ornaments. lol if you have tried to photograph a red bellied newt when it is sitting on pink gravel by a neon castle, though i guess many will not have, it takes hours in photoshop to get any form of colour balance. so pics will come, but atm i cant get anything worth posting. i will try to sort some out. but looking at the tank makes me feel like Ken keasey!
got some more observations to pass on. as i have said, though they spend much time alone, they do seem quite social, sharing sitting places and such. however i have seen some aggression. when food is added, the newts can be seen squabbling, as they make their way to the food. the first newt there, whatever size it is, seems to have the top position. i have seen my smallest chase the biggest away from food. they also seem to ignore the food at first, walking past it, then turning and making a lunge, dragging and shaking the food till a bit comes free. they then gulp down their mouthful and going back for seconds. a single block of, defrosted, frozen blood worm, will last about a day or so, being eaten bit by bit.
interesting, newts are great little guys. You got any pics of your setup?

ahh now there's the rub! this tank was supposed to be for my wife. we have very different views on how a tank should look, so, to this end we agreed she should choose the gravel and deccor for this tank. the result is bright pink gravel and psychedelic ornaments. lol if you have tried to photograph a red bellied newt when it is sitting on pink gravel by a neon castle, though i guess many will not have, it takes hours in photoshop to get any form of colour balance. so pics will come, but atm i cant get anything worth posting. i will try to sort some out. but looking at the tank makes me feel like Ken keasey!
Ouch, can newts see in colour? :p
Seriously though, look forward to pics if you can get some :).

When you feel like it, you could try the newts on a mixture of small crickets (if they get overly keen on these you should put calcium/vitamin powder on them), earthworms, waxworms and the usual frozen foods like the bloodworm your already giving them.
At my work, the newts don't seem to keen on bloodworm, and it often goes uneaten and pollutes the tank. They love small soft brown crickets though :good: .
Ouch, can newts see in colour? :p
Seriously though, look forward to pics if you can get some :) .

When you feel like it, you could try the newts on a mixture of small crickets (if they get overly keen on these you should put calcium/vitamin powder on them), earthworms, waxworms and the usual frozen foods like the bloodworm your already giving them.
At my work, the newts don't seem to keen on bloodworm, and it often goes uneaten and pollutes the tank. They love small soft brown crickets though :good: .

yep, now im sure both newts and tank are ok, i will begin to experiment with other foods. the results of which i will post here.

not sure if newts can see in colour, when i look at the tank, i wish i couldn't! :sick:
Well, I need to be honest, if the gravel is that brightly colored, then the newts will begin to take on a washed out appearance. As for the neon cave no problem, I have one. Congrats on the newts.
well some pics here, not very good i'm sorry.

lol that tank is awful! the newts look great though! my mum would love some newts but i never knew enough about them. i think it reminds her of her childhood when she used to go out catching them :)
lol that tank is awful! the newts look great though! my mum would love some newts but i never knew enough about them. i think it reminds her of her childhood when she used to go out catching them :)
Ahh the tank, well now you know why i wish i was colour blind. :sick: humm wonder how many people though i was joking :unsure:

they are a real delight to keep. but a 20g tank and a filter is all you really need. not much in the way of maintenance either, i have yet to clean the filter. this includes the cycle, and though there has been a drop in flow, nowhere near enough to consider a clean. i do vac the gravel well though, and do 50% weekly water changes.
Looks like a nice and healthy newt!

One day you should sneak in and change at least the gravel though, while not to my taste, the other decoration does add some character- but the gravel is just crazy :hyper: .

Overall nice set up, clear water, other than the gravel I'm sure the newts love it :good: .

Tried them on anything new yet?
The tank looks nice, all I don't like is the pink gravel. All it is is that, pink and flourescent neon colored gravel should only be used sprinkled.
Looks like a nice and healthy newt!

One day you should sneak in and change at least the gravel though, while not to my taste, the other decoration does add some character- but the gravel is just crazy :hyper: .

Overall nice set up, clear water, other than the gravel I'm sure the newts love it :good: .

Tried them on anything new yet?
tried some meal worms, chopped up, seemed to go down well. could do with some help on the amount for these three though. i put the bit of bog wood in to tone the tank down, without getting my head bitten of for messing with "her" tank. :hyper: lol i can see they are actually dark brown, and the contrast of the wood makes the Red bellies really show.

The tank looks nice, all I don't like is the pink gravel. All it is is that, pink and flourescent neon colored gravel should only be used sprinkled.
Work in progress that :good:
tried some meal worms, chopped up, seemed to go down well. could do with some help on the amount for these three though.
Everything loves mealworms! ^_^ They are great for that reason, but you'll barely use any of the packet for 3 newts, you'll know they are so fatty it's only really a treat for them. I'd onl keep the packet for 2-3 weeks before putting the remainder out for the birds, otherwise you'll find you have a box full of beetles!
When I feed newts mealworms i give them 3 worms at a time and they manage them easily without chopping, but thats only with the bigger newts, for smaller newts I give them two waxworms at a go (easier to bite for their small jaws).
But you don't want to really be giving them more than around 3 a week each - the fat content really is quite crazy, and I know that with reptiles they can get hooked on them then not eat anything else, resulting in them starving. I've never heard about that with any amphibians, but best to be on the safe side.

pink and flourescent neon colored gravel should only be used sprinkled.
Gotta interject here, that sounds like it would look worse than the pink stuff on it's own :sick: .

I don't mind all the florescent stuff that much, it can be fun sometimes, I just prefer a natural look and I really don't think the animals usually appreciate them.

But mixing coloured gravel is horrible aesthetically IMO :p .
Gotta interject here, that sounds like it would look worse than the pink stuff on it's own :sick: .

I don't mind all the florescent stuff that much, it can be fun sometimes, I just prefer a natural look and I really don't think the animals usually appreciate them.

But mixing coloured gravel is horrible aesthetically IMO :p .
Black gravel with a little neon isn't that bad.

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