Three More Aquabid Auctions From Me

Will you be putting up any more boys? Females too? I have 2 beautiful boys from you, and 8 females. All my females look similar. Mostly red, a couple shiny green. I would love a marble or redloss female. I would still like to breed these little guys. I have to get pics up of my boys. My fav. is red, and blue. The other is mostly red, w/ some dark green metallic scales.
ManyFISH4Me -- Like I told you when I gave you the females, I don't have any redloss females left aside from the one I'm keeping (Blondie.) I should be getting some out of my current spawn, but they won't be ready for another 3 months :/
I do have another male or two I'll eventually be posting, but the ones up now are the most marble-y of them all. The others are pretty much solid metallic blue. I only have like 3 females left, and they are available to those who bid on a male, but all are red.
First time I've browsed AB in awhile. I need to fill some spots in my 100 usg community tetra tank from the great culumnaris scourage.

Anyway, couldn't miss a familiar name and a handsome fish with a fin of distinction. :p
I wanted to add, he might not get bred if I have him. :/

But if he has a little sister you never know, I'm a little impulsive. Samson has all my girlies so barred up and lusty that it is very tempting.
Sorry, I'd bid on one but my dad is getting me two different bettas on aquabid today. I like 1,2,3, I like all of thme :drool: :drool: :drool:
Post a thread with a link to the ones your dad is getting you.

I can't see your fish. I need new glasses. We need an enlarger button. Click! Click! New big piccy!

I like the beanie boxes. Is that all one box?
Less than 2 days left, guys! :whistle:
Oh my gosh what cuties! You know… if they don’t sell send me a PM and I’ll buy one. I’d like to give you a chance to spread out into the betta world though. But I’ll happily be your back up buyer. :D
I know that, quite often, people don't start bidding until the last day. That's always my plan, anyway.. haha I'll bid near the very end.
Yes, usually that's what I do. I've even recommended it at times. Bid at the last hour. But this time, I thought, it's not about the dollars. :D Also I'm not planning to breed. If somone wants a breeder, I want to give them a chance.
I would like the light ones to breed. If someone bids on them, i don't know how I feel about bidding against the people who post here. I guess I'll have to watch near the end, and see how much I want them.
I would like the light ones to breed. If someone bids on them, i don't know how I feel about bidding against the people who post here. I guess I'll have to watch near the end, and see how much I want them.

I was planning on bidding on the redloss guy, but I wasn't going to spawn him right away. I've got some other spawns lined up to go first. If you really want him to spawn, I'll back down and not bid and just wait for a little guy from Synirr's current spawn, either through adoption or an AquaBid. That would make more sense, anway. As adorable as that little guy is, wouldn't want him sitting around wasting his prime waiting in line.

Yeah...I think I'll not bid and leave him to someone who is ready to spawn him. :D

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