Threadfin/Featherfin Rainbows


Retired Moderator ⚒️
Aug 12, 2003
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Warm and Sunny Arizona
i saw a post about these once and ahve since done some research as i think they are really lovely fish. one lfs is currently carrying them and for a fairly good price. i would like to add one or two to my collection, but first i wanted to hear from anyone who owns one what their experiences with them have been so far.............
I've got four in my 170l (42 gal) community tank. They are great fish and cvery easy to keep.

I also had four in my tank at work but they got harrassed to death by my bully of a killiefish.

If you have the opportunity and space to get some, go far it. Try to get pairs if possible - the males have the big fin on the top but it is hard to see unless they flare.

HTH, Eddie
thanks eddie, will keep that in mind. will have to go to the lfs and stare at the tank a while, see if i can find a pair. have you found them to be pretty peaceful themselves?

These are Great Fish to Keep. I have 4 In my Tank.
Has your LFS got all the Colors or Just Black. If he has all the Colors they come in get a mix. I keep Black,Red,Green,Yellow.
I suggest around 5/6 as they look Lovely Flaring At Each Other.

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