Thoughts on this hard scape?( answers wanted fairly quickly )

How about disguising the this....

Those are good. I made a similar thing for a 29g using a long chunk of bogwood (Malaysian Driftwood). You want a good current so the filter return next to it works.
Just to add some contrast you might consider some slate on the right side layered to make a cave affect.

On the heater you could easily get away with 150 watt if the 200 also ends up too tall. To be honest I've never understood why it would make a difference as to if the thing were to be mounted in either position. :dunno:
Just to add some contrast you might consider some slate on the right side layered to make a cave affect.

On the heater you could easily get away with 150 watt if the 200 also ends up too tall. To be honest I've never understood why it would make a difference as to if the thing were to be mounted in either position. :dunno:
I think that the heater placement has something to do with heat rising
I would think that heat rising would point toward placing the heater horizontal making a wider heat column for better dispersal of the heat. :dunno: I place mine vertical but that is just out of habit.
Exactly. That is what I was trying to say. perhaps I didn't word it correctly.

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