Thought This Was A C. Agassizii

This Old Spouse

TOTM Winner May 2013
Dec 12, 2010
Reaction score
I posted this on PlanetCatfish too, but thought I'd get a faster response here. She's about 2.5" long.

yeh, i have 3 delphax, but two look like the ones in your sig and the other is very pale like the one in your posted pic. All are Delphax, breeding Trio....not that they have got jiggy yet.
The one I'm questioning doesn't shoal with anything either. That's what really makes me think it's not a delphax, who always hang together and also rarely come out of their cave during the day. I wish they would so I could compare them a bit more. The delphax have paled considerably since the photo was taken. Is it the white sand or some other factor?

Also note there is no black on her dorsal fin.
Well, they sure look more like my "delphax" don't they?? And I'm still not convinced mine is a delphax because of the colorless dorsal fin. But I might have to live with it.
these were sold to me as agassizzi

LOL it doesn't surprise me that corys are sold wrong. LFS staff just see corys and they all look the same to them I reckon, even though those of us who love them can spot the difference between a Julii and Trilineatus at twenty paces. I was once lucky enough to be sold a shoal of 9 Adolfoi and charged for them as if they were Bronze :good: Of course I didn't realise this till I got home (mwahahaha)...
im sort of thinking mine are aggassizi. the delphax ive seen down there are very much silver and black, mine have a very obvious (bit more obvious than in the pic) sandy orangeyness about them.

to be honest i dont even want them anymore, so would be nice to know what they are.

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