Hi All,
As I mentioned in another thread was hoping to add some fish in to my tank today, just coming out of a fishless cycle, but when I tested earlier ammonia was 0 but the nitrites were @ 0.3 mg/l (ppm), so I've held off adding any fish
just tested again now 2 1/2 hours later and the colour is definately lighter so I'm expecting the nitrite to dissapear soon. Trouble is I'm not sure what to do next..should I still add some ammonia, maybe not as much as normal (5ml) to keep the bacteria ticking over or should I give it a miss today, obviously if all my bacteria will die if I don't that's not an option.
As I mentioned in another thread was hoping to add some fish in to my tank today, just coming out of a fishless cycle, but when I tested earlier ammonia was 0 but the nitrites were @ 0.3 mg/l (ppm), so I've held off adding any fish