This will never stop!

Good LAWD that's alot of beanie boxes lol. Woohoo you go Bettaman!!!
My room doesn't look as bad as yours yet Bettaman, but is it crazy that I want it to? I've got over 40 adults and around 100 babies. Is that enough?

I have a divided 2.5 gallon that sits next to my desk and my betta boys are my only friends and company during the day. They started my betta obsession because I noticed them watching me all the time. Wherever I moved and did things their little eyes would press up against the glass and watch me. I thought that was just the craziest thing. LOL. Now look at me :rolleyes:
Texaswoman said:
My room doesn't look as bad as yours yet Bettaman, but is it crazy that I want it to?
No kidding though! It looks great,Bettaman :thumbs:
thanks but its growing had two spawns this week .......this is a purpose built fish house for bettas as their are not any quality in the lfs over here in UK i must admit that in the lfs we dint see small cups well not in many and we don't have walmarts but they tend to be veiltails, hence the obsession but what a great one it is i have been following you post on your fish room wuv and that is very good as well and you babies are fantastic as are most of the breeders that post on here but it will happen over here eventually as you all know bettas get addictive.... :lol: :lol: :lol: :rofl: :rofl: quote from MAM nope, once the betta bug bites, youre terminally ill. it never ends. it become a viscous cycle. welcome to bettas anonymous. the first step is to admit you have a problem.
Bettaman said:

What kind of filtering system are you using for this fish. Right now I am using a gravel vac and 20%-50% water changes depending on ttank size, but as the number of babies grow I am thinking more and more about some kind of mechanical filtering system.

I have two pumps sending 1000 gallons (UK) around the boxes and back into a filter then pumped through a UV light and back through a trickle filter, into a 55 gallon tank so the water is cycled 18 times an hour ...........i do water changes about half every 4 days but looses about half a gallon through evaporation over a week, so just add that at the end of the week .with the tanks just box and sponge filters and water changes every two days again about half :flex: :whistle:
Bettaman said:
I have two pumps sending 1000 gallons (UK) around the boxes and back into a filter then pumped through a UV light and back through a trickle filter, into a 55 gallon tank so the water is cycled 18 times an hour ...........i do water changes about half every 4 days but looses about half a gallon through evaporation over a week, so just add that at the end of the week .with the tanks just box and sponge filters and water changes every two days again about half :flex: :whistle:
If I was not half way around the world I really would love to visit Bettamn's place. Imagine all those Betta's :D

Also seen some sample of his stocks on the forums and they are :thumbs:

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