this sounds strange

Angel Lady

Pet of the Month Leader
Mar 9, 2003
Reaction score
Hazard Kentucky
:eek: they just started this my neighbor has lost all of his fish for doing the same thing now my guppie are doing the same thing his were doing. Can someone help me all the readings are normal.I did a 75 percent water change yesterday,it took 3 days for hios tank to die out and I dont want to lose my any suggestions? They are not visible on the fish
Are they swimming near the intake or output? My platies and puffer have always seemed to do that, and just "sit" around the filter sometimes. Are your's doing it constantly though?
dixaisy930 said:
Are they swimming near the intake or output? My platies and puffer have always seemed to do that, and just "sit" around the filter sometimes. Are your's doing it constantly though?
they just started swimming towards the bubbles this morning I just found it strange because they never have done this before. they stay in front of it and dont move unless i run them away from it.
Hi fks&m,

what size tank,

Whats the mainteneance schedule like? - ( why a 75% water change??)

Have you tested the water since the change/symptoms? - if so what are the current readings?

If anything its likly to be something up with the water.....

wetwetwet said:
Hi fks&m,

what size tank,

Whats the mainteneance schedule like? - ( why a 75% water change??)

Have you tested the water since the change/symptoms? - if so what are the current readings?

If anything its likly to be something up with the water.....

i had recently had a fungus in my tank and I used ampillix and I had to get the medicine out of my tank the readings are fine 0 on all the ammonia and nitrates

I'm not familiar with that medication but many can lower the ammount of oxygen available to the fish....

So yep, I can understand the large water change but these symptoms only started after the water change...??? - Not during the treatment :unsure: so maybe not a lack of oxygen.

Is this medication safe for filter bacteria?

btw activated carbon is useful for removing meds after treatment (along with water changes) ;)

wetwetwet said:

I'm not familiar with that medication but many can lower the ammount of oxygen available to the fish....

So yep, I can understand the large water change but these symptoms only started after the water change...??? - Not during the treatment :unsure: so maybe not a lack of oxygen.

Is this medication safe for filter bacteria?

btw activated carbon is useful for removing meds after treatment (along with water changes) ;)

I took and changed my 10 gallon I done a 100 percent water all of my fish are coming down with something they have white spots on them and now the bala sharks have white mouths again I know my tank is overcrowded but I have another one cycling right now it looks like I am going to have to start and change my water everday until I get the tank cycled my 10 gallon has to many fish in it and they all are coming down with something everyday I cant stand to watch them die off and I dont want to yake them back to the pet store.How long will it take me to get the 20 gallon long cycled changing 20 percent of the water everyday?
changeing 100% of the water imo not a good idea as this can put your tank into a mini cycle and severly stress your fish with an ammonia/nitrite spike.....

In the over crowed tank I'd cut right back on feeding to put less load on the filter bacteria.

Is there fish in your cycling tank? Water changes on a cycling tank will prolong the cycle. Using filter material/gracel/decor from an established tank can speed it up - (Though in your case not from a diseased tank!)

Its very hard to say how long a tank will take to cycle depending on whats been used to help the process allong - Regular testing is the only real way to tell how its doing.....

wetwetwet said:
changeing 100% of the water imo not a good idea as this can put your tank into a mini cycle and severly stress your fish with an ammonia/nitrite spike.....

In the over crowed tank I'd cut right back on feeding to put less load on the filter bacteria.

Is there fish in your cycling tank? Water changes on a cycling tank will prolong the cycle. Using filter material/gracel/decor from an established tank can speed it up - (Though in your case not from a diseased tank!)

Its very hard to say how long a tank will take to cycle depending on whats been used to help the process allong - Regular testing is the only real way to tell how its doing.....

it was the medicine that I had put in thier they are doing fine now one more question can I put a filter from a cycled tank on the one that i am trying to cycle and will that make my tank cycle faster I dont want anymorefish to die.
Yes the filter will speed up the tank, - but is this off the tank with the disease?

wetwetwet said:
Yes the filter will speed up the tank, - but is this off the tank with the disease?

no its my good tank the one tank is a well fish tank the other 10 gallon is a sick tank which is not cycled and i dont see much reason to try to cycle it because every other day I have a sick fish so I just change the water out and go from thier.I still want your [pleco]
What do you mean 'change the water out and go from there?....

I'm a little confused to the tanks you have and whats in them... :/

....and no you cann't have the gold nugget :p ;) lol

wetwetwet said:
What do you mean 'change the water out and go from there?....

I'm a little confused to the tanks you have and whats in them... :/

....and no you cann't have the gold nugget :p ;) lol

I have three tanks a 20 long and 2 10 gallons I use the 20 long and one of the ten gallons for my fish and the ten gallon is my hospital tank I had the ten gallon cycled and I bought the 20 long so I moved my fish over to the 20 long and did a real good cleaning on both of my ten gallons so I winded up with three uncycled tanks as a result so I split up the fish that I had in the two tanks and i have been doing a 10 percent water change everyday to keep my fish from dying now the ten gallon tank is cloudy and my readings are of the charts high so I plan on moving my fish to the 20 long until the water gets over the cloudy stage am i doing the right thing give me some advice on what to do please.Plus I have a 55 gallon which I plan to start up real soon in the next week or so.
fish keeper sharks and mollies said:
wetwetwet said:
What do you mean 'change the water out and go from there?....

I'm a little confused to the tanks you have and whats in them... :/

....and no you cann't have the gold nugget :p ;) lol

I have three tanks a 20 long and 2 10 gallons I use the 20 long and one of the ten gallons for my fish and the ten gallon is my hospital tank I had the ten gallon cycled and I bought the 20 long so I moved my fish over to the 20 long and did a real good cleaning on both of my ten gallons so I winded up with three uncycled tanks as a result so I split up the fish that I had in the two tanks and i have been doing a 10 percent water change everyday to keep my fish from dying now the ten gallon tank is cloudy and my readings are of the charts high so I plan on moving my fish to the 20 long until the water gets over the cloudy stage am i doing the right thing give me some advice on what to do please.Plus I have a 55 gallon which I plan to start up real soon in the next week or so.
plus I still would like to have the pleco.
Things seem a little confusing -_-

If I understand, I say yes move the fish (if they are showing no signs of disease) to the 20g - though :oh: how many fish are we talking about, and is the 20g cycled now?

Cut back on feeding if not done so allready.

Have you got test kits - what are the readings?

Once all the fish are moved you could also add the filter (easy if an internal) from one of the 10g to the 20g if the 20's filter won't be sufficient by itself. Then concentrate on getting one of the 10's cycled to rehouse some of the fish.....Hope this makes sense :unsure: unless someone else wants to help with this situation.

hth and keep us updated :thumbs:


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