This past event...


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Sep 13, 2016
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I'll post a number of pics overhere of the aqua terra event we had yesterday...
One of these years... every Netherlands killie keeper I have met has been generous with their time and knowledge, open and collegial. I would love to get into a convention full of them.
One of these years... every Netherlands killie keeper I have met has been generous with their time and knowledge, open and collegial. I would love to get into a convention full of them.
If a fish keeper is passionate about his/her fish, he/she will be open for sharing the knowledge for sure...
Even more envious now. Wow.
Aren't their similar events in your area?
That had to be a awesome place to be at

Thanks for sharing all the pictures
I attended my first fish event about 22 years ago. It was an NEC event (The Northeast Council of Aquarium Societies was established in 1956 to assist and strengthen member societies). I was a real newbie at the time. I only showed up for day 3 when they had the big auction. But the general event was still going before the auction. That was the first time I med Rachel O. aka msjinzd. We are still friends today. Over the years I transitioned from an attendeee to having space in the vendor room. In 2014 I attended my first All Aquarium Catfish Convention as a room seller.

The nicest part of this event was that it was about a 75 minute drive from me. The first few years I commuted rather than staying in the hotel. That ultimately changed. What really changed me forever on all of this was the year that the friday night speaker was Hans-Georg Evers whose topiv was zebra plecos and thei habitat in the Rio Xingu. I had just bought my breeding group of zebras. I sat there absilutely in heaven taking in ever word, AFterward I was following Hans around like a puppy dog asking question after question. And he was very decent about it all.

Over the years I have repeated the above experience with many of the well known folks who speak at such events.

When I am talking with non-hobbyists nd tell them I have 20 tanks, they ask me way so many, When at events like this and similar one when I tell folks that I have 20 tanks, they ask, "Why so few?"

And as noted everybody at these events is happy to talk fish 24/7 over the weekend. Everybody is willing both to share theiir knowledge and to learn from others.

Bear in mind that these events are sponsored by fish clubs and hobby related organizations. The people who man and run the events are not paid, they are all volunteers. So, if you can join a local club or even more than one, do so. If you can possible attent an event like the one in this thread, do it. I did my final one in Sept.of 2023, The Keystone Clash. I am backing out of the hobby and the long drives to events and the fact that I am no longer adding fish but am going in the opposite direction makes it harder for me to do so.

The Catfish Cinvetion has been hedl every other yer except during Covid. People from all over the world attend. That was where I met Jools from Planetcatfish. There is always a contingent from Scotland that flies over.

If you have the oppotunity like the one in this thread or any of the many others that happen every year, do yourself a favor and attend. If you are relatively new to the hobby do not be shy or reluctant. Every single person there was new to the hobby at some point. Those of us who have been keeping fish for a long time really love having new folks coming into the hobby and we do as much as we can to make people just staring to feel welcome. AFter all these are the very folks who will be sponsoring and attending events for years to come.
That is so great that you where able to meet and learn from so many different and wonderful people over the years

I been keeping fish for over 50 years now

Planted aquariums for close to 30 years

Breeding plecos for about 25 years

I did at one time had over 20 aquariums running at the same time

Then Covid hit. After that. I cut way back on everything

I like going to these events when they are close bye

Thanks for sharing your experience with me
If a fish keeper is passionate about his/her fish, he/she will be open for sharing the knowledge for sure...

Aren't their similar events in your area?
Yes, but the really good ones have been at least half way across this vast country from me (in New
York) of late. And we don't have someone like you who brings a tremendous assortment of not-often seen wild livebearers.

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