This Is Why You Should Have Clowns


Fish Fanatic
May 16, 2007
Reaction score
Toronto, Ontario
my clowns hosting in my leather coral.


lol, clownfish are too cute. And you have a dragonet too! Got anymore pics of your Mandarin?
i dont have many yet, i took this one last night i will try and get some more and post for everyone
I'm currently considering stocking options for my 30Gal. Clownfish we're never a consideration although pictures like these make them more and more appealing. Do you know what kind of leather that is?
Lovely pics!
I'm a fw keeper myself although one day would love to do a sw tank, however know absolutely nothing about it;
So quick question, whats hosting?
BTW, what is your stocking list and how big is your tank?
my stocking list for fish is:
4 clowns
flame angel
royal gramma
maderin dragonet
2 diamond back goby's
domino damsel

my tank is a 65 us. gal. with a few corals and 118lbs of LR
Do you have any invertibrates too? In particular shrimps? I swear I've read that Royal Gramma will eat ornamental shrimp.
i have four shrimps;
2 scarlet shrimp
1 peppermint shrimp
1 blood shrimp
and the rest of my CUC;
3 emerald crabs
30 whitereef hermits
5 turbo snails
2 zebra hermits
brittle starfish
and alot of bristle worms
I have to say that 2nd picture is just brillient. Looks like a prof reef photo.
how long have you had the diamond gobies? there sand sifters and usually dont last to long in tanks
thanks alot my girlfriend actually took the picture for me..... ive had the diamond gobies for lil over a month now, to the eye they look amazing, growing fast, very active and always together.... no signs of any problems as of yet
its soo cute isnt it!Im actually watching my maroon clown now...hes been rubbing himself on my leather toadstool for the last ten minutes.Came online to check if 'normal' behaviour. Wish my camera had batteries.

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