This is the hugely discussed tank lol :)


New Member
Sep 14, 2005
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I will try and get a clearer pic tomorrow, just did a re-shuffle of large stones etc... so the tanks a bit cloudy :S anyway you can see the size/shape. The tank is new style, the filter and pump are hidden at the back above the light so all that is in the tank is the heater and tube which is below the black impeller housing which you can just about see on the left. lol my angelfish was determind to face the camera so you cant really see his shape (will try again tomorrow) my male platy and rosey barb are to the left and my golden algae eater is on the plant next to the bridge (he's only small) and my cory is camera shy and swam behind the stones :(

Does anyone know where i can get or order on-line Ghost Shrimp or Amano Shrimp?

Im from aberdeenshire, never seen shrimp in any of the pet shops up this way :(
ghost shrimp

amano shrimp

they have a minimum order of 29.99 bucks and 25-30 bucks on shipping. plus a 14 day guaranty.

what size tank is it. i see a few possible disasters waiting to happen:
1) tank isnt large enough for the angel when full grown
2) the "golden algea eater" is a chinese algea eater and will be aggressive when older and eat the slime coat from your fish
3) rosey barbs are schooling fish right(not totaly sure though) if they are then they do best in groups. i usaully go for 5-7 as a small groupd of any schooling fish.

edit: i just noticed u are in the UK. im not sure if the place i gave you ships to there. i would go in the phone book and call up all the lfs in your area and see if they cary them or if they can order some for you.
I am planing on moving my Algae eater and cory to a friends tank and replacing them with 2 or 3 shrimp, I had read its better to have the shrimp rather than them. the angelfish is a dwarf angelfish and im stumped bout the rosey barb... as they are a scooling fish does it need to be 5-7 rosey barbs or could u mix with other barbs?
ive never herd of a dwarf angel fish. does anyone here have info on them? im sure it has to be the same type of barb rather than a mix of ones. if there are color variations then it wont matter(like tiger barbs, albino tiger barbs, and moss green tiger barbs.)
I think a Dwarf angel fish is a product of muchios cashios from your local LFS. or something dreamt up for a quick sale.

I don't think there is a Dwarf Angel fish (although I'm happy to be proved wrong............) and that it will quickly become a Normal Angelfish!

Barbs should school with other barbs, but perhaps be careful if you start adding Tigers with others....?
The dwarf angelfish family is not that of stunted or growth inhibited fish. These little fish possess all the energy and attitude as their larger cousins, they are just simply compacted into a scaled down version.The dwarf angels, rarely get to be over 10 cm. (4 inches) and adapt well to aquarium life.Angelfish come in all colors and sizes. They range from 4 inches (10 cm) to 24 inches (60 cm)
I hope you noticed that the Dwarf Angelfish is a marine species, and looks nothing like yours. Yours will grow to it's full potential, however they do grow over 8", and even that is rare.

The information you were give about angelfish is simply about marine angelfish, which differ greatly from freshwater species. I just don't understand how you can't notice the difference between your angel and the ones in the links you gave us....


Yours will soon outgrow your tank and you need to find another home for it or a larger aquarium.
Gabrielle, unfortunatly it sounds like you have been givin some bad advice from your fish store. If I were you, I would take the fish back, if possible, then cycle the tank (You can find info in the Beginner FAQs) and restock with fish that can live in there and be happy for a lifetime. :) The Angel and the Algae Eater and the Barb won't be happy...the Platy could probably do okay in there. Or you might want to consider some Guppies, or Endlers, or other small fish...there are tons out there. I'm sure if you post back here, once the tank is cycled, some people will give you great suggestions. :D

Anyway, there are tons of very informative articles in the Beginner FAQ section. I suggest you read through those, and you'll learn a lot! Here's the link to them:

Beginner FAQs

Best of luck! :thumbs:
As I said on your last topic, even if you have got one of the dwarf species, a 4'' fish has no place in a 5g tank, especially a hex. Where did you get it from? You said you bought the tank and gravel from Pets At Home, if thats where you bought the fish its a regular angel. As with most shops, if they can get away with buying the far cheaper normal variety and sell it for whatever tank size, its far easier than ordering in expensive rarish fish.

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