this is stupid!

A.K.A Zak

Fish Crazy
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Ohio, Orient
ok i am about to move my tank about 20 feet but its to heavy to lift so i have to take out some tank water, the reason why i'm moving it is so that it isn't in the darkness when the lights are off that way it gets sun light. i know this might make algae grow more but i'm up for the fight, how can i move the tank without hurting or stressing my two fish?
first, get a bin. empty almost all the tank water into it, just leave enough to keep the gravel damp. move your fish into the bin, as well as any plants or decorations and the filter media. do not try to move the tank with anything in it, it will stress the joints and the tank will crack! there is no way around this, you must not move the tank with anything in it!

also, the Puffer is a brackish fish, the Lab is a Cichlid. most Cichlids, save a few dwarfs, are agressive, territorial, and large. Cichlids are freshwater fish. the Puffer needs some salt in his water, but the Lab probably won't do well with it. either way, the Puffer and Lab will end up fighting at some point, it's not a matter of if it's a matter of when. do bring one back to the store, or both. i've noticed you keep trying to get the large, agressive fish that can't possibly live together in a ten gallon. perhaps some more common and passive fish are what you need until you learn all you need to know.

not to sound rude or anything, everyone has to ask questions and make mistakes to learn :)
ok, but my fish are both doing extremly fine, i know that they might start fighting so i plan to go to the lfs later to get my money back for my yellow lab, and how lond do you think i should wait for the water and everything to settle?
you dont say how big your tank is a k a. however i had to move one of mine last is a 24inch. how,..i put the fish into my fish bucket with adequate water, covered it so the water didnt cool too quickly.emptied the water from the tank and saved it in a large 7.5gal container i use for fish water changes and buckets,then took out ornaments and plants etc. i left in the gravel because it was quite easy to move .moved it to its new location[only 3 feet away!]and reset it up..didnt take too long although hard work. fish ok and doing well. :) pebbles
good news: the move went vary smoothly, fish aren't stressed and the water isn't foggy, it was smoooooooooth! :kana: go zak, go, go, go zak! :kana:
Empty most of the water. Take the fish out and put them in a large bowl. Then move your tank and refill it with clean water. REMEBER: Put in some stress coat when u put the fish back in

good luck

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