This Is My Stocking Ideas


Aug 4, 2005
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Well im currently cycling my 120l tank, but id like to know if my stocking ideas are good. The fish are :D
5x yoyo loaches
4x Corydoras schwartzi
2x BN's
1x cory panda
3x sterbai

;) So thats the fish i am planning on getting, But my questions is If more fish could be added without making it over overstocked, What top fish could i add which are bigger enough to defended for themselves? As all those fish are middle/bottom in tank! I was thinking perhaps on the lines of
Redtail Black Sharks
Gold Gourami
German Blue Ram
you get the idea!

thanks in advance guys! :)
Well you have basically a tank of bottom dwellers...

the rtbs will get far too aggression for the rest of your stocking

I think the gold gourami will get too big for your tank (could look into dwarf species of gourami though)

Rams are a beuatiful addition to any community, though I have heard from some ram keepers that they will hang towards the bottom so they may compete for the little bit of bottom space that may be left.

You could look into a good sized shoal of tetras or danios as they would add some movement to the top and middle tank :good:
in theory, that stocking is fine although i wouldn't do it because you've got too many bottom dwellers. i would forget the loaches and forget the panda cory because it isn't fair just having one, then maybe increase the shoal of the other cories by one or two.

all of your other suggestions are okay except the red tailed black shark. it will grow too large for your tank, not to mention another bottom dweller and an aggresive one at that.

gouramis are good as are rams. look at other dwarf chichids such as cockatoos but not kribensis because theywon't get along with the cories. also look at angelfish.

for the upper levels of the tank you could get a shoal of danios, white cloud mountain minnows or hatchetfish.

hope this helps
Thanks for your advice guys!.
Since my 72l tank already has a shoal of tetras and smaller fish my aim was to go for something slightly bigger this time round. Lets see if i get any more comment to try helping me decide!
Well you have basically a tank of bottom dwellers...

the rtbs will get far too aggression for the rest of your stocking

I think the gold gourami will get too big for your tank (could look into dwarf species of gourami though)

Rams are a beuatiful addition to any community, though I have heard from some ram keepers that they will hang towards the bottom so they may compete for the little bit of bottom space that may be left.

You could look into a good sized shoal of tetras or danios as they would add some movement to the top and middle tank :good:

what??? how will gold gouramis get to big for his tank, they get to about 4inches in length, i used to keep gouramis in a 2ft tank and they were happy as larry. trust me a gold gourami in a 120ltr tank will be fine, and for a gourami to be in a 120ltr i'm sure the fish will be more than happy.
what??? how will gold gouramis get to big for his tank, they get to about 4inches in length

actually gold gourami's can grow upto 7 inches and no that size tank wont be big enough a seven inch fish needs at least id say 3foot 40g+

what??? how will gold gouramis get to big for his tank, they get to about 4inches in length

actually gold gourami's can grow upto 7 inches and no that size tank wont be big enough a seven inch fish needs at least id say 3foot 40g+


Guys, better talk about scientific names, because gold gourami is a name common for different gourami types and or colour morphs.

I would either take out the loaches or the cories, as your bottom area is overstocked, and forget about having just one of a cory type as they like to be in groups.

If you take the cories, you could maybe have a nice theme aquarium, with gold rams, and some shoal of tetras. Having a large shoal of cardinals looks lovely!

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