This Is Just Not My Month With Bettas...


A Shrine To Madness
May 28, 2005
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Fargo, ND
Emerald is slowly dying, and there's nothing I can do. He jumped out two days ago, but luckly, I got there within 15 min. So, I put him in his tank with a lot of aquarium salt (Doc Wellfish) and hopefully he would live. So yes he did, but then, yester day, the pH was 9! So I bought some indian Almond leaf, and it seemed ot hlep to. But now, he is just lying down doing nothing, I have a bubble wand to help him breathe, but it dosen't seem to help. This sux even more, cause he would've been my breeder. Now this means, I have to get a new guy.
Ouch OA :/
maybe its a sign?
Lol, I doubt it.
Just get another guy, maybe you'll find a better one.
Plus the guy hasn't died yet, so their is hope.
He might be weak for the rest of his little life though....oh well.
He was going to die eventually.
Like I said, maybe you'll find a better one?
Its hard for me when i lose a fish not only because of his personal value to me, but because I don't always have the money to purchase another one :/

Whoa, what happened to your pH??? Mine's at about 7 I think , but 9? From adding salt? Crazy...

Why not try some Melafix or maybe even slime coat, it sounds like the salt isn't making him all the way better. To help him breath, you could make the water in his bowl/tank shallow so he does not have to go up very far to breath.
Woah, thats a huge difference!
I've never had a betta jump before, ever.
I only have one tank thats covered..
Oh, thats to bad OA :(
And on the day of the first snowfall.
We're supposed to get 3 inches tonight, did ya know?
What a day....
When are you going to head off to HarMar? How long do your moarning stages last?
I'm sorry he didn't make it, OA. I've had two jumpers before. One of synirr's who was dead when I found her and my first ever betta over the summer. She made it for a few hours, although not through the night. It was devastating but after 2, I've learned my lesson and keep everything little hole covered by whatever means necessary and am constantly checking my tanks to be sure everything is still there.

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