This Is Going To Be A Pain..............


Fish Addict
Sep 7, 2004
Reaction score
Leicester, England
I need to catch a garra in a planted and bogwood community tank, 180 litre, because he is causing a few problems for my Queen Arabesque at feedign time but he is like lightning around the tank. Can't get near him with a net. I'm going to try and get him in the dark, maybe tonight, but if that fails I really am struggling. Any ideas??

I am not stripping down my tank to catch him, I'm not that desperate!!
other than reducing the water level to around 3"
you can buy a fish trap (aquamedic).
A decent LFS would hire one to you.
or you could design & make your own :good:
Yeah, two nets, one smaller one just for coraling him into the big one, and also try it at night and use a lamp with a red bulb in it. I heard somewhere that fish can't see a red light.

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