This is complete TORTURE!

Is he willing to drop a few pellets of food in every few days to make some ammonia?
I just added Dose#2 of Ammonia last night... So, I am hoping that there will be time for a "snack" dose and possibly another dose before I go on vacation.... He is very stubborn and has made it very clear that he does not want to be responsible for anything relating to the tank while I am gone... So, the Cycle could "stall" a little while I am gone, and if it does that's okay, I will just pick it back up where it left off when I left and go from there. :) He just is not into fish like I am and does not want to be responsible for anything going matter how much I told him it wouldn't be hard and he couldn't really "mess it up", he still said he didn't want to do anything.... Like I said, he is a stubborn one!!
I don't have the lights on all the time... they are usually off.

I have dosed the tank with ammonia, and I heard you shouldn't have plants in there when dosing with ammonia?

The only other tank I have is a 5.5 Gal Beta tank, but it is only just recently finished cycling itself within the past month.

I did add a liquid bacterial supplement, so I am hoping that when I test the water today I can add Dose #2 of Ammonia. I actually added the bacterial supplement right into the filter on top of the filter media I have in there.

I am going with the fish-less (and plant-less) cycle because I will be leaving in two weeks to visit family out east, and I will be gone for two weeks. My husband is not going with me, and he has told me he does not want to be responsible for fish or plants while I am gone... So sadly, I will have to wait until the week of July 6th when I return from vacation, even if the tank finishes cycling before that...:( It will give me something to look forward to when I return from vaca I guess.. :)

You should be praised for being such a responsible fish keeper. Great Job!
Day 16 of a fish less Cycle....
My 55 gallon tank sits empty, desperately begging for fish,
The beautiful driftwood silently beckons for java moss and anubias,
The sand longs for a busy shoal of cories to sift through it,
The LED lights shine down with hope, but no photosynthesis is taking place,
The water is sadly devoid of little reflective bodies gracefully cutting through it,
The black background calls out for the contrast of vibrant green plants,
Despite the torture, I will stay the course, but it will not be easy....
Knowing that I am doing the right thing will help me to be patient?
As I sit quietly watching my imaginary fish, and my blank canvas, I hear a voice off in the distance...

"Mom, what are you doing!?! You know there are no fish in that tank, right?"

Leave it to my 15 year old to be a voice of reason... LOL... :p :rofl:
I have a 7year old granddaughter. She and her mother live with me and this out of school stuff has got to stop. I would love to hear ANY real reason come from her lips. Lol
But, think of it this way your imaginary fish can be the most outrageously beautiful, the most expensive sought after fish there ever was. It does not even have to be a real fish the only limit is your imagination and after your post, I don't think you will have a problem. Actually, I'm now thinking about emptying a tank and creating my own imaginary fish. Hang in there.
But, think of it this way your imaginary fish can be the most outrageously beautiful, the most expensive sought after fish there ever was. It does not even have to be a real fish the only limit is your imagination and after your post, I don't think you will have a problem. Actually, I'm now thinking about emptying a tank and creating my own imaginary fish. Hang in there.
I LOVE your outlook and attitude!!! :D
But, think of it this way your imaginary fish can be the most outrageously beautiful, the most expensive sought after fish there ever was. It does not even have to be a real fish the only limit is your imagination and after your post, I don't think you will have a problem. Actually, I'm now thinking about emptying a tank and creating my own imaginary fish. Hang in there.
In my tank is a Large School of a newly discovered and rare South American Species... "Imaginatarii beautifularia" Or.... "I. beautifularia". It is so new to the aquarium hobby that it doesn't even have a common name yet, and just goes by its scientific name!! :p

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