This Is Bad, Someone Is Selling Bettas Trained For Fighting

This is horrible. It's also just as bad (IMO) that people set up sorority tanks and let the females duel it out to establish pecking order! :(
Then maybe we should stop keeping fish at all, they might have an arguement...

This is silly. No one would setup a tank of females, and if one starts tearing apart a new one sits there like 'gee, they'll work it out'. That's why you are supposed to watch them. And it doesn't matter if it's bettas or not, some of the 'safest' community fish can kill another fish. I've seen guppies take a chunk out of another once in a while, and even harass another one to death, not to mention eat their own young. Are we supposed to keep everything in a tank by itself so nothing could possibly happen? It's called being sensible.

And again, in the US you cant release bettas into the wild, they will be eaten quickly or die in cold climates. So if someone is doing this in the US there is no nice way of doing it and the bettas most likely will be killed, die from neglect, or be fought to the death. Very few people will buy 2 bettas here and fight them until one gives up and seperate them, teens have too much fun seeing something die.... I see what people do and this fight site is just an invitation to do it more.

Uh, no moron is going to spend fifty dollars (price plus s/h) on something they are going to fight once and dump in a US pond, neglect or fight to the death. And just how is there now 'nice' way of doing it in the US? Other then not being able to let them go, there is no difference. Everything else can be done exactly the same. The people that will actually spend money on these fish are people who will take care of them regardless of if they win or lose, because they actually do care about their fish. It may not seem like it to you, but they do.

And show me a teen who can spend that much on something they just want to die. Be easier to buy a video game.

I've seen this time and again on this forum, and yes it is usually brought up by newer people. Yes, we know people fight these fish. We know about the sites that sell fish for fighting. We know it's a different culture. I mean, what part of 'Siamese Fighting Fish' did you miss? Is there something you can do about it? Almost guaranteed NO. People will keep doing it. Maybe you could try to petion someone, although who I'd have no idea, Thailand? Tell them they are bad? Good luck.

Personally, I kinda care more about the children in the sex trade than I do about people having fish chase each other in a bowl...
Then maybe we should stop keeping fish at all, they might have an arguement...

This is silly. No one would setup a tank of females, and if one starts tearing apart a new one sits there like 'gee, they'll work it out'. That's why you are supposed to watch them. And it doesn't matter if it's bettas or not, some of the 'safest' community fish can kill another fish. I've seen guppies take a chunk out of another once in a while, and even harass another one to death, not to mention eat their own young. Are we supposed to keep everything in a tank by itself so nothing could possibly happen? It's called being sensible.

And again, in the US you cant release bettas into the wild, they will be eaten quickly or die in cold climates. So if someone is doing this in the US there is no nice way of doing it and the bettas most likely will be killed, die from neglect, or be fought to the death. Very few people will buy 2 bettas here and fight them until one gives up and seperate them, teens have too much fun seeing something die.... I see what people do and this fight site is just an invitation to do it more.

Uh, no moron is going to spend fifty dollars (price plus s/h) on something they are going to fight once and dump in a US pond, neglect or fight to the death. And just how is there now 'nice' way of doing it in the US? Other then not being able to let them go, there is no difference. Everything else can be done exactly the same. The people that will actually spend money on these fish are people who will take care of them regardless of if they win or lose, because they actually do care about their fish. It may not seem like it to you, but they do.

And show me a teen who can spend that much on something they just want to die. Be easier to buy a video game.

I've seen this time and again on this forum, and yes it is usually brought up by newer people. Yes, we know people fight these fish. We know about the sites that sell fish for fighting. We know it's a different culture. I mean, what part of 'Siamese Fighting Fish' did you miss? Is there something you can do about it? Almost guaranteed NO. People will keep doing it. Maybe you could try to petion someone, although who I'd have no idea, Thailand? Tell them they are bad? Good luck.

Personally, I kinda care more about the children in the sex trade than I do about people having fish chase each other in a bowl...
People HAVE stated on here that they've put their females together allowing them to establish a pecking order.
This is horrible. It's also just as bad (IMO) that people set up sorority tanks and let the females duel it out to establish pecking order! :(

What, so you want fish to sort out their differences over a nice civilized round of croquet? All fish kept together will show some degree of aggression to each other. The world is a tough place, only the strongest survive etc. Fish don't have discussions to evenly and fairly distribute resources (food, space, mates). The dominant fish gets first pick, the dominant fish needs to be established as the dominant fish. If the others submit, then no fighting need occur, but if any of the others think they stand a chance, then the usual practice is to start with displays (think flaring, which happens in a lot of fish), and if neither submits then they will fight until one does. This will happen unless you keep one fish per tank, of any species, not just bettas.
Considering that in the US people might make money off of fighting fish, then yes, if the site is reported they may say they cant sell "fighting" fish to the US, cant say much for Thailand though I care about where I live.

I think fighting them is a waste of money anyway who cares which is stronger lol. Like wrestling, boring and no point.
This is horrible. It's also just as bad (IMO) that people set up sorority tanks and let the females duel it out to establish pecking order! :(

What, so you want fish to sort out their differences over a nice civilized round of croquet? All fish kept together will show some degree of aggression to each other. The world is a tough place, only the strongest survive etc. Fish don't have discussions to evenly and fairly distribute resources (food, space, mates). The dominant fish gets first pick, the dominant fish needs to be established as the dominant fish. If the others submit, then no fighting need occur, but if any of the others think they stand a chance, then the usual practice is to start with displays (think flaring, which happens in a lot of fish), and if neither submits then they will fight until one does. This will happen unless you keep one fish per tank, of any species, not just bettas.
My pygmies never fought. My guppies don't fight.
They don't necessarily have to have physical injuries, you can't say your fish don't fish for dominance if you don't watch them 24/7, the only way to be successful in life is to be dominant.
Cories, possibly not- they haven't really evolved along the 'competitive' line, they're more built for defense. Guppies however, yes indeed. Just because there aren't any visible wounds doesn't mean fighting hasn't occurred- my fish fight frequently and they've never shown any signs. Possibly guppies rely more on displays than actual fighting, but you can't say there's no competition between fish and that competition has to be resolved in some way.
My conclusion, those bettas sold would be excellent breeding stock since they are in perfect condition, but IMO using them for fighting is a waste of money and time. They would make good pets too better than pet stores also because they are sold healthy.
People HAVE stated on here that they've put their females together allowing them to establish a pecking order.

I KNOW they have. I've even done it. What I'm saying is, there is a difference between a few bettas chasing each other briefly when they are first introduced, and actually ripping/tearing into another betta. It's when they start to do this that you remove them.

And yes, someone can just walk into any walmart (or petstore) buy two bettas and fight them to the death. So should we ban bettas all together in case of this?
And yes, someone can just walk into any walmart (or petstore) buy two bettas and fight them to the death. So should we ban bettas all together in case of this?

No we should not ban them, but age restrictions should apply who can purchase them. You cant be a kid and adopt a dog or a cat, all animals should be sold to 16 plus at least because by then you can work and drive so you would hope by then you should know right from wrong. But most stores let you buy animals no matter how old you are, and that leads to problems or kids buying pets they cant afford to take care of and neglect. If a kid wants a pet let the parents be the ones who have to buy it, because kids are impulse buyers and they will buy a pet if its cute or cool but taking care if it correctly is another story....
I happened to have worked at a store with an age restriction. It's not going to stop someone buying bettas to fight them. Do you know how many adults I have seen walk out with ten gallon tank and a goldfish? Or buy a betta to put in a vase? I've seen parents buy their kids plenty of ill-suited fish. Age restriction isn't going to help. Last time I checked just because you hit 16 doesn't mean you stop being stupid.

And most quote 'teens' that will walk into a store to buy bettas to fight are usually at that 16 mark and above, and they sure aren't telling everyone why they are buying them.

What I'm trying to say is that there is no way to stop someone from walking into a store and buying a betta to fight unless you stop making the bettas available, which isn't going to happen. I mean seriously, how many of you would be upset if your lfs stopped carrying bettas at all? Some of you would be happy because they wouldn't be in cups anymore. Yay. But now you're going to have to find a new place to get them, and that place will most likely keep them in cups. And someone out there might be buying them to fight...

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