This has got me beat

Hi there and thanks to those that have replied,It was stuck together and came out in chunks sums it up very well indeed, I havent tried any medication because I was told there was none available for the condition thats why I did a complete tank clearout :hey: ,the gravel is religously cleaned about every 10 days but while this stuff is here its been every 3 or 4 days but like I said its back again (not so thick at the moment) so now Im begining to think its got something to do with the brine shrimp so Im going to stop feeding it to the fish in this tank to see if the situation improves.....I feed brine shrimp to fish in a bigger tank and there is no problem,however the fish in that tank benefit from having a Fluval filter as well as an undergravel one,so Im wondering if the Fluval disposes of it better in being able to suck any uneaten shrimp in? so there you go,the situation at the moment, today Im going to give the gravel a good clean, stop feeding brine shrimp,then monitor the situation in the next few days,I'll report back soon with an update,thanks once more for your help....take care all :)
In response to reg2k2, about the condition of the shrimp well who knows whether its good or bad? its just comes in frozen blocks as you probably know,and I thaw it out and straight into the tank, the fish won't mind too much :D they get fed frozen bloodworm too, your explanation about the shrimp might be causing a bacteria build-up fits my thinking,so thank you for bringing it up...take care
Hey there,
SOrry for the delayed response. i asked if you fed brine shrimp and or shrimp pellets, Because I had this problem in my tank. The shrimp pellets as well as thebrine shrimp were falling to the bottom, and even though my fish at most of it, it quickly rotted and cause a white fungusy growth all over my gravel. No mater how much i vacumned it it would reappear, as long as I was feeding these foods. i cut back drastically on the amount of servings and it quickly went away.

I am sorry to hear you had to start all over. I would suggest cutting back now on the amount of these food you feed overall. Try alternative foods that your fish favor. If they are really hooked on the shrimp as mine were, try this:
Brine Shrimp

It will sink to the bottom but it wont rot. :D

Good Luck!
Thank you so much for replying Nina,you have now confirmed that this is my problem,I shall be forever in your debt :D by process of elimination I was thinking this was the problem but you have now confirmed it,I have stopped feeding it altogether now and expect the problem to disappear soon,Im not sure I can get that product you mention over here in the UK but will check it out.....Once again thank you so much for replying....take care and have a good day .... :D :cool:
I wish you the best of luck. Hopefully your problem will turn out to be the same as mine was, and it too will go away for you.

:kana: (ps. thats what I did when it finally went away!)

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