This Filter? :)


Fish Addict
Jul 4, 2009
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I've ordered a Hang on filter for my goldfish tank when it come's to run it along with the bio filter that comes, it's this excact model:
Just wondering if anyone has had any experience with them? If their good?
I've bought it now, and it looks pretty good and the feedback is good too.
Tell me what you guys think of it, thanks
You'll need two of them for a 125 litre goldfish tank, one on its own isn't up the the job, because the flow simply isn't good enough for these heavy waste producers.

I've never used them, So I can't comment on the reliability.
You'll need two of them for a 125 litre goldfish tank, one on its own isn't up the the job, because the flow simply isn't good enough for these heavy waste producers.

I've never used them, So I can't comment on the reliability.
I mentioned in my first post its to run along with the biological filter that comes with the tank.
This new filter i've ordered is mechanical, and the one coming with the tank is biological.
These fitlers seem to be new, so im not sure if many people have had experience with them.
oh, i brought a few stuff from them for my community tank!!

That Ebay seller is really good, i think the persons name is Gail. They are extremely reliable IMHE.


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