This Does not look very good

i agree with putting either a more natural looking substrate or if you want the extra color go for something darker. i think white gravel tends to make the fishes colors washed out. darker gravel makes the fish look brighter.
looks nice to me, very nice indeed.............. to me its personal preference what u like other dont so what. If u like it thats all that matters.
Guys please look at my sig for the fish I have. I have one small rock (maybe 2x3 inches) one "fake" "Cave rock" (where they can swim through and hide - about the same size), and one plant. A lot of free room, but I kind of like it that way. Should I get another plant or something?
VulcanNinja said:
Guys please look at my sig for the fish I have. I have one small rock (maybe 2x3 inches) one "fake" "Cave rock" (where they can swim through and hide - about the same size), and one plant. A lot of free room, but I kind of like it that way. Should I get another plant or something?

I really think a lot of it is down to personal taste....however could you tell me the size of your tank and how bright the lighting over it is? and what the plant is like? cos if it's an enormous thing that is taking over your tank then is a bit different that a tiny anubias or whatever :D Corys enjoy a lot of shade on the bottom, so a few broad leaved plants would help achieve this. also i have observed my friend's betta "sitting" on plant leaves at times, and wriggling in and out of stalks, so i guess bettas like plants too...also more plants have the advantage or using up excess nutrients in the water and discouraging algae, if you use live ones... however it's up to you! My personal choice is for heavily planted tanks, my tetras like to dart in and out of the leaves and my cories like the shade. :)
10 Gallon tank, I think it's a flurecent light. It was a 10 gallon kit from Petco, and I'm not at home now so I'm not sure.

My plant was unlabeled when I bought it. It is a potted plant, and has long, leaves which reach the top. My betta likes to swim through it and the frogs rest on it. The ghost shrimp climb it at night too, but the corys don't seem to bother with it. It may be one of these:

Also, I have no algae...will I eventually get some?
sands easy. I just did it and didnt have any problems yet.
VulcanNinja said:
10 Gallon tank, I think it's a flurecent light. It was a 10 gallon kit from Petco, and I'm not at home now so I'm not sure.

My plant was unlabeled when I bought it. It is a potted plant, and has long, leaves which reach the top. My betta likes to swim through it and the frogs rest on it. The ghost shrimp climb it at night too, but the corys don't seem to bother with it. It may be one of these:

Also, I have no algae...will I eventually get some?
I meant how many watts the light is :p ;) anywho if all your fish are happy and you like the look of the tank as it is now, it'll be fine. congrats on having a nice tank with healthy fish. :)

if you have no algae you're very lucky :p Most people seem to have a problem with it at some point...i certainly did :/
Looks better than any tanks I've ever had, I could never get live plants we moved a lot so the tank was always getting redone... As to algae, hope you don't get it, the evil little bugger....

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