Fishy, I have just come across this thread and thought I might add some comments.
I work out the light level to be around 3.3WPG. That is a huge amount of light for a tank this size and should be avoided, unless you are committed to a 75% planted tank with pressurised CO2 and a fertiliser regime. I run a 120l tank at 3.4 WPG and it is high maintenance. With this level of light algae is very unforgiving. If you are not interested in a high maintenance planted tank keep the light well below 2WPG.
The 14000k spectrum is too blue for a planted tank, you want to be looking for something around 6500k. I bought a 3 x 24W luminaire from EQJ, but I replaced the tubes with something more appropriate for freshwater ie Arcadia, Interpet, D&D etc.