Third Nano Tank - Aquanano 30 (22 Litres)

I stopped using easicarbo as I couldn't commit to the 50% water changes once a week on the exact day.

I was using micros and macros then easicarbo too.

To be honest, all of my three tanks are flourishing on just daily dosing of chelated trace.

No I'm too scared for CO2 ha ha
I think I probably just need to improve the flow around my tank. The internal filter is fine for the filtration part, but I think probably inadequate for the 10-15 times the tank volume per hour that is recommended for plant health.
I'm thinking of swapping to a weekly add after water change probably something like Easy Life Profito as there's no nitrates or phosphates in that. Had horrible problems with nitrates using APF daily add and lost a few platies in the process (tho that could have been a coincidence, but am not convinced.)
I would imagine it would also be rather dodgy for the shrimp too?

Good luck :good:
I have one of these tanks myself. Few posts on it here and here
One thing I do have a bit of difficulty is in terms of water level for the power head. I see you have got the aquaone power head there too and fitting that, with the thermometer into that small compartment is tricky. But not only that, I can't seem to get the appropriate level to keep it fixed in position. When it is, the water is too low. Have you had this same issue? If the water goes too low all I get is a racket... 
Would love to know your opinions on it. But I myself love these tanks. 
I think your nano tank is charming.  Makes me want to start one, but all i have is a regular old 10-gallon tank, nothing like the nicely equipped new setup you have.  Still, i am inspired...

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