Third Day Of Fishless Cycle.

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Sorry that it isn't more exciting than that. The key is that fishless cycling is less stressful, in terms of emergency water changes, fish deaths, etc. BUT, it is very tough on one's patience. It is trying for your patience, but its better overall...
I have patients and time on my hands I just want to be thorough and accurate, it would have been a different story if I hadn't found this forum and the advice that I've been given freely. Like I mentioned in an earlier post I'm well and truly hooked and I haven't even stocked my tank yet,I also read which I found quite true that fishkeeping is mainly about keeping water :)
It is about keeping water and culturing bacteria.
Hi again,I am starting to worry about my cycle,I wasn't happy with my ammo reading I had trouble distinguishing weather it was 4-8 ppm so i did a 40% water change,this was yesterday and it brought it down to 1ppm ,i checked again today and it was between 0.50-1 ppm but msybe it was 1 so decided to add 1ml of ammo which i thought would raise to 2-3ppm but it went straight upto 4again!! From 1 ml !when the advised amount is 3.5ml to raise to 4ppm!! I am having trouble understanding why this is happening and i am worried the cycle had stalled due to the fact how little ammonia is being processed over such a long period,.
Any help would be really appreciated as I'm getting a bit concerned that my filter isn't processing anything at all,there's not even any sign of nitrates, not even a tiny bit.could it be the ammonia I'm using (jeyes kleen off 9.5% ammo) so it says on eBay?
I'm sure something isn't right.

Sorry no sign of nitrites not nitrates.
I think you are majoring on the minors. Just relax. Ultimately, its not about the day to day readings, but about the overall trend. Don't think about each data point being life and death, instead look at the trend of the entire cycle.

If you overdose a bit one day, or under dose another, its all good. The main idea of the entire fishless cycle is that it is supposed to be less stressful. Try to relax and just keep going. Keep researching other aspects of your tank - stocking, plants, lighting, fertilizers, rescaping the hardscape, etc. Try to keep busy with other aspects of the hobby while you wait.
Thanks for the reality check eagle,I think I am overthinking the whole process at the minute, I'll just let it run it's course and do as you recommended and research everything else I need.thanks eagle.
No problem... I was the same as you. Its a biological process, so its not a strict algorithmic (linear, quadratic, etc) change from day to day. It fluctuates. These little "bugs" are building biofilms in addition to multiplying, so its not just about them growing in number, but also maturing.
So every cycle is different in way,they all have there own personalities, mine is stubborn and awkward!! Reminds me of my 8month old son haha. I'm not going to obsess over the small points anymore, if it takes a month just to hit a nitrite spike it takes a month. I'm sure you said this before,it's about being patient, I'll try harder; )
The patience thing isn't easy, but it really is the only thing that you can do. The alternative is to be doing daily massive water changes with a fish-in cycle - that's more stressful and more backbreaking!

Hey, you can hardscape and rescape your tank about a million times if you without fear of smashing a fish. I'll be rescaping in about a week or two, and I'll have to be VERY careful... My fish are too curious for their own good sometimes. Its nice, but frustrating at the same time.
I wouldn't want to kill fish off just to get my cycle completed, I have friend which has just completed a fish in cycle but it's not for Mr. And as for the hard scaping I have many ideas plus i can actually affird it this week :) plants will have to wait but bogwood and arick of some sort shall be purchased,plus ive decided i want a plant substrate topped with sand so I'll do this whilst cycling so the cloudy water won't affect viewing.

Arick!! A rock: p
 Good for you - its moving now...

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