omega59 said:
Thanks Hunterprey. What is the best way to start the cycle procedures. Does the frozen shrimp or dropping flakes in the tank method still work? also do i need to use water chlorinater during the cycle process?
Fish flakes or dead shrimps is not a good way of adding ammonia to do the fishless cycle process.
First - very messy
Second - water issues may arise due to this
Third - A very innacurate method, how do you know how much ammonia is going to occur with a few pinches of flakes or one single dead shrimp?
I'd suggest you read and follow this article -
Cycling Your New Fresh Water Tank: Read This First!
And you will need a water test kit, API master kit is a half decent choice for doing fishless cycles.
And then you need a source of ammonia, a bottle of Kleen Off or Ammonia specifically for aquarium cycling are readily availbale online at low costs.
A few hardware stores do stock ammonia usually in household cleaning sections.
[sharedmedia=core:attachments:75365] [sharedmedia=core:attachments:75366]
To find out exactly how much ammonia you need, you can use the calculator on this forum to do this. At the bottom of the page -
Forum Calculator
Put in your tank water volume, remembering to reduce some volume for substrate, decor and plants usually deducting 10% will work ok. Then you need to ensure you have the correct strength of ammonia inputed, Kleen Off is usually around 9.5% while concentrated ammonia for cycling can be as high as 35%, so double check this.
Then follow that article I linked as closely as you can, a bit of information to take in but do not panic, we are here to help out if you get stuck or not sure about anything.