Thinking Of Setting Up Sa Tank


Fish Crazy
Jul 31, 2008
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I am thinking of setting up SA tank. I like Green Terrors, Jack Dempsey, and stuff like that.

Right now i don't have a tank so don't ask what tank size. Although what tank size would be good?

Is there a list somewhere of all the different SA profiles?
I agree with mixnfishy.... giving cichlids the most territory you can is the way to go. Tanks you see on YouTube with 10 or 15 large cichlids in a 55G US tank is just cruel as no fish is allowed to claim any territory and more often then not a few or many of the fish get beat up and then get common diseases that come from poor water and open wounds...

So look through the SA cichlid profile and whatever you like, let us know and then we can advise a min tank size whether the compatibily will work

Ox :good:
The ones I like the most are:

Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlid

Firemouth Cichlid

Green Terror Cichlid

Jack Dempsey Cichlid

I also like:

Apisto blue head

Blue Acara

Checker board cichlid

Flag Cichlid

Keyhole Cichlid

Rainbow Cichlid

Tbar Cichlid

What would my options be for a more peaceful tank? And what would they be for a more aggressive tank?

I would be looking at a smaller tank maybe around 40 gallons so if they are too big tell me.
I've recently set up a 48G SA tank with a pair of Keyhole Cichlids and a shoal of 10 Pristella Tetras. Sounds boring, I know but it is an incredibly peaceful tank to watch.
I spent weeks researching to get everything just how I wanted and am pleased with the overall result.
The tank is quite heavily planted which means the fish seem a lot more secure as they have plenty of cover.
Plants I used were:
Hygrophila Guanensis
Echinodorus Bleheri
Echinodorus Tenellus
Eleocharis Vivipara.

Hope that helps!
Sajica and rainbows are pretty easy going. You could do a few pairs of those. But those are actually CA not SA. If you want south americans Keyholes are awesome!
what about for an aggressive? Could I have green terrors or JD's
Green terrors and JD's would make for a more aggressive tank, but it would depend on how many you want and how big the tank is.
Nope, I think that would be too crowded once they are adults. Plus sticking aggressive fish into too small of a space is just a recipe for disaster. One of them will decide the tank is theirs and that will be the end of the other. What are the dimensions of the 40g? If it is 36" long you could probably have either one JD or 2 pairs of smaller cichlids. I'm doing a pair of myrnae and a pair of sajica in a 36" long tank with no problems. If you want more aggression you could try Convicts, Firemouths, Cutteri. Or you could try Neets, I've heard they are pretty tough little buggers.
As said what are the dimensions??

In a 40G you could do

a pair of Convicts Or a pair of Firemouths Or pair of sajicas (do you have somewhere to put the fry when it arrives??)
or one sajica, one firemouth and a pleco/catfish/senegal bichir

or you could go for maybe 2 or 3 pairs from the list below possibly with some dithers.

Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlid
Apisto blue head
Checker board cichlid
Keyhole Cichlid
Could I have a pair of convicts and a pair of firemouths?
Not in a 40 gallon i'm afraid. A pair of convicts protecting eggs/fry, would more than likely kill the Firemouth's. A pair of Convicts would be fascinating to watch in a 40 gallon. These are Central American though, not S/A. I am sure that you will find many people on here that have had or have this combination and it has worked for them, but I personally wouldn't risk it. Also there is little call for Convict fry as there are so many about. How about you try something a little different like Honduran Red Points ? same family as Convicts but different enough tto be able to sell the fry on.
Sorry I messed up it's really a 30 gallon and the dimensions are 30" by 12" by 18".

Could I have a pair of cockatoo dwarf cichlids and a pair of keyholes?
nope... you may get away with it, but I doubt it.

Cichlids generally do not mix well, even small ones. If you want a crowded cichlid tank you need to be thinking about malawi's

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