Thinking of Buying a Betta- Need Help!!!!!!


New Member
Oct 18, 2004
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Hi, I am new to this site, just registered because I thought you might be able to help me out..

I am thinking of buying a betta. I have picked out a small tank(gravel included), a bottle of water de-chlorinating liquid, some special betta food and a plant for his little home..

Also, I need to mention that I'm away pretty much all day.. will this be a big problem, or is it OK provided I feed him enough and keep him in a quiet place away from my other (million ;) ) pets? (I have 3 cats and a dog, but don't worry; the dog stays out of the room I am putting him in.)

Is there anything I'm missing?.. (other than the fish, of course) any detail I've overlooked??

anyone have any tips on special care? how does one communicate with one's betta?

any advice would be useful!!

allthebest and thanks

~hermione :)
how does one communicate with one's betta?
He'll let you know. They usually get very excited to see their keeper.

Keeping a solo betta is pretty easy,but you may want to put him in a spot where he can see some sort of action while you're gone all the time. They tend to get bored and depressed if they're not being amused :rolleyes:

What size is the tank? Do you plan on doing 100% water changes or allowing it to cycle and give it partial water changes using a gravel vac?
After a cycle is complete then partials should be done at least once a week.
100% water changes should be done every few days if you go that route.

Also pick up some frozen bloodworms :p
Welcome to the board :thumbs:
Bettas are great little fish, and pretty easy to care for. How big is the tank you purchased?
As for not being home all day, that is fine, they do not need constant supervision, just make sure the tank is somewhere that your other pets cannot knock it over or get at the fish. In regards to food, I recommend Hikari betta bio-gold pellets, as well as some frozen/fresh bloodworms, brine shrimp...
You will learn that bettas have great personalities (mine eats bloodworms off my finger) and they are a great fish to have!
wow, 2 replies already :eek: :fun: thanks for the advice!!

as for the size of the tank.. I can't remember and don't have it with me at the moment, will have to go home to find out for you, but I do remember that it says to drain 20% of the water (then replacing it of course) every week..

the betta fish I have picked out is kind of reddish purplish, I am picking him up on the way home :fish: yay!

thanks again for all the help.. more advice would be appreciated as well, as I'm completely new to betta fish

oh.. and p.s. where do I find frozen blood worms? :S I haven't seen any around
oh.. as for entertainment, I have a lava lamp conveniently where I will be keeping him.. do you think it might keep him occupied while I'm out?
ok this is crazy. i promise I will not add any more questions, lol..

but, how big does the tank need to be exactly? is it possible I've gotten him a tank that is a little too small? it's advertised as a betta tank, and it seems to be good.. but I just read that anything under 1 gallon (approx.4 liters) is bad. there is no way that this tank can hold 4 liters of water..

You can get bloodworms at most fish stores. Petsmart and Petco also carry them in a fridge by the large display tanks (if you're in the US that is)

A lava lamp may tickle his fancy,just make sure he's not so close that it heats up his tank. He may also enjoy a window nearby or leaving the TV on. This of course is my own geekiness and yours may be just fine with nothing :lol: I'm a nerd who leaves the TV on for the dog while I'm out :unsure:

Check on that tank size and get back to us so we can help you figure out what percentage of water changes a week will be appropriate. Not doubting what the tank manufacturers say but sometimes they make it sound simpler than it is ;)

EDIT~ is it one of those bitty betta tanks? :/
I think it must be one of those bitty beta tanks :( but no worries, I still have the receipt and if I must I can get an exchange..
hermione said:
I think it must be one of those bitty beta tanks :( but no worries, I still have the receipt and if I must I can get an exchange..
Yeah, sometimes a cute one gallon set up only costs a couple more dollars than those little bitty things.
I'm a nerd who leaves the TV on for the dog while I'm out

Don't feel bad I bought my dog her own DVD to watch while I'm gone. I don't think she really does watch it though! But I rather enjoy it. It is called the dogsitter vidio and it has a lot of just peaceful nature stuff like birds and squirrels and racoons. :cool:

I have not had a beta in years but they are one of my favorites. I keep thinking of getting one but don't know where to put another tank.
I have a little bowl 1.5gallon (5.5-6 liters) and my bettas seem to do fine in them :nod: Definitely don't get anything under a gallon though! If your budget allows it, get a little gravel and a small plant (live or fake), they like that! :flex:

As for communicating :D your betta will definitely let you know! And like Wuv said they get really excited when they see you, mine comes over to see me, dances for me and follows my finger around, sometimes he'll even chase it :wub:

Good luck on your new betta! If you can post a pic so we can see :thumbs:

Oh and Wuv, I also leave the T.V. on for my cat and dog :fun:
I just bought my betta last night, he's such a babe :lol: :fish:

He is reddish blue, and extremely pretty, although I'm going to move him to a bigger bowl very soon (aka as soon as I get home)

He seems to be fine so far although I don't think he eats the pellets I'm giving him, which means that I have to go out and buy some live food.. I think.. but that has to wait until tonight.. I hope that my fish is OK for that long :(

I don't have a photo of him on my computer yet, but here is what he sort of looks like:

shapewise, he looks a lot like this (actually, he is kind of "jewelled" like that too):

<img src=>

but he has a lot more blue on him, his main body is bright red with hints of blue and his fins are a mix of red and blue.

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