Thinking Of Adding Shrimp To 10Gal


Mostly New Member
Jan 12, 2016
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I have a 10gal with 4 cory cats. was really wanting some shrimp. i understand corys for the most part will work with the shrimp im thinking of getting(ghost shrimp) except when they are babies. is that entirely true or will i have to worry about my corys eat them. My other main questions and concern is: will they get sucked up in my filter? it is i belive a tetra whisper(it came with the tank) from my local pet store and, having corys and the tank set up for about a month and 1/2.
are they ok to adjust them to the temps and ph, and put in or would i need to cycle? i currently have no real algae eaters as my bushy nose pleco GOT STUCK TO THE FILTER. so that is kind of why i am concerned.

looking up filters it IS a tetra whisper internal filter for 10gal. so is that safe or should I try something different.
For the filter, if your pet store doesn't carry sponge prefilters, you can do what I do.
Cut the netting out of an extra fish net and rubber band it over the intake.
Oh, and about any species of cories will be fine with all but the baby shrimp, the smaller the cory species, the less time the babies are on the menu.
Yeah agree with that, Cories are generally innoffensive but all fish will eat what they can fit in their mouths so baby shrimp may be vulnerable. Rather than cut up a net, cut up a pair of your wife's/mum's old tights to cover filter.
Munroco said:
Yeah agree with that, Cories are generally innoffensive but all fish will eat what they can fit in their mouths so baby shrimp may be vulnerable. Rather than cut up a net, cut up a pair of your wife's/mum's old tights to cover filter.
Just be sure to get permission first LOL, JK
On a more serious note, one reason I've preferred to use a net over stockings is that I think the net would add a lot less resistance to the pump on the filter than pantyhose, wouldn't want to overload the motor...
Haha OK and the wife has a few old ones we could use, she had actually mentioned using it but we weren't sure.
I've had ghost shrimp with my cories for quite some time, and the cories don't bother them at all. I highly recommend getting them. They're a great cleanup crew and super fun to watch!
I also have the tetra 10 gallon whisper filter. Nothing has gotten caught in it for me. If you are having problems though, I'd definitely listen to fishfrenzy14 and Jeremy180!
I actually just bought some more. A surprise showed up with them though. photo (4).JPG I could really use some help with IDing this guy. Clear like a ghost shrimp and roughly an inch like a ghost shrimp, but close set eyes, black stripe through his body, thicker legs, and a more streamline body. 

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