Thinking of a 10 gallon puffer tank.

Just got back from LFS they have bumblebee puffers and dwarf puffers. The dwarfs are so tiny. They are hardly bigger than a pea. It's hard to believe there that tough. They also have bumblebee goby. How many bumblebee puffers could you put in a 10G?
IMO i think a green spotted puffer, i have one in my 10 gallon , i think he enjoys his room, but if his personallity changes i'll put in my furture 30 gallon. i have bearlly decorated tank with 1'' sand rock wit' hair algea- slowly dying, and a driftwood decoration. my puffer nevers stops moving, he is never still only during the night, i put my 3 guppies in wit' him and he bit one's tail off and didn't like the taste now the guppies are his new clean up crew, lol. i know others would disagree about a gsp but i think try em' if you have good water quality and tank setup, they will be worth wild like mine is, good luck finding a puffer. :nod:

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