Thinking 'bout Little Fishies..

I wouldnt mind getting a little shoal of catfish or loaches as I could get a couple of different colours, albino etc, and then I would know which one was George! :good: I would name the others too its just that one of them has to be called George. But I have to say, having looked at the Bristlenose an albino one of those would be brill!

I luuurve the German Blue Ram! He's bootiful and would definitely make up for losing the Beta and/ or the Angel. Are they easy to find and are they expensive? Could he be added straight to my tank once its cycled?

Hi Tw3lv3,

I have learnt about ammonia only since coming on this forum and Curiosity101 very kindly told me about the calculator (as well as lots of other helpful stuff). The shop never mentioned ammonia at all, just stuff to make the water safe and stuff to boost the bacteria. Thats when I decided I really wanted to take responsibility for getting my tank correct. :good:


If you get the GBR then that rules Corry's out and if you are to be serious probably even a lot of 'whiskered' fish too!

It is not as complicated as you think, get a little book on tropical fish which lists all the needs of the fish and you should be able to build up a list of fish to keep!

Regards a good substitute for angles, you could look at black skirt tetras and I personally like Black phantom tetras (there is a red version too!) as they display with their fins and are quite amusing.. supposed to be quite tough too. Get two females (red finned) to one male.

Also just to note your LFS does NOT clearly know anything about fishless cycling because leaving your tank of water for a week does not do anything!
Maz said, here is a reviewed provisional list so far:

6 - 10 neon tetras

2 GBM's

6 - 10 albino (or mix of) corys or a couple of albino bristlenose catfish?

couple of the big yellow snails - apple snails?


Your stocking sounds great so far. I'd probably go with a group of 8 corys altogether.


If you get the GBR then that rules Corry's out and if you are to be serious probably even a lot of 'whiskered' fish too!

:blink: Now I'm confused!

I've been looking at a compatibility site and it says that honey gouramis, GBR's and cardinal / neon tetras are all compatible with each other. What do you think?

If the Corry's are out is there a bottom feeding, fairly interesting fish that could take its place? Also with the list so far, have I got top, middle and bottom fish? (blimey, its like 'come on down'!!! :p

I've never kept GBR's but I've kept bolivians and they were never a problem with I don't understand that comment either.
It could be refering to the temp you should keep GBR's at (28C) which is a bit high for most corys. Though Sterbai cory's would be fine.

If you didn't go for corys you could possibly get a single small plec instead, backed up by some shrimp and a snail or something.

Or like in my tank, something like Kuhli loaches could be cool. Here is a pic of mine...

Be aware if they grow much more than 7.5cm then I will have to re-home my lot. But I am ready and prepared for that day. I have however read in alot of places that they wont grow more than 7.5cm.
Hi Curiosity

Shrimp and a plec sounds quite appealing...The shrimp would be fun I think. I still fancy the bristlenose as he's got real character but I have to say your Khuli's do look good too. Thanks for the ideas, I'll have a ponder on that. What did you think about the addition of the honey gouramis? How many would you advise and do you think my list is fairly spread around the tank? Not all the sites say where the fish like to be in the tank.

Tetras - Mainly Middle sometimes top
GBR (if anything like Bolivians) - Bottom
Cory - Bottom
Snail - Wherever there is something to climb on

I think honeys sound like a nice addition. And they should use the whole tank. :)

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