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great news PJM (sorry, too lazy to type pepperjack......) :p
If I want more cories I'm gonna either have to wait till the larger peppers die or wait til I move and see if I can accommodate a larger tank lol
Anyone else want to join corydora anonymous lol
If I had a closer lfs,I would be a card carrying member myself. I picked up two C. elegans awhile back and they are working their way to being my favorite cory. They are mid-level swimmers and like to rest on the leaves of my sword plants instead of on the substrate. I also got two sterbai,and one of what I think is some kind of hybrid, or just a cute little bronze.

Going to definitely up the elegans to six in the future, and think I might up the sterbai too!
Akasha72 said:
great news PJM (sorry, too lazy to type pepperjack......)

If I want more cories I'm gonna either have to wait till the larger peppers die or wait til I move and see if I can accommodate a larger tank lol
Anyone else want to join corydora anonymous lol
yes please.  Ever since I had my first tropical tank at the age of seven I've loved Cories.  I knew when I got back into the hobby that I'd be getting more.
And now they're breeding for me :D
If only the orange lasers would breed now....
Once I move (if I have room) I'll have a 500 litre tank on the go.  This would mean some of my stock from my 200 litre being moved over and then I can get a load more cories for there.  I'm considering the 500 for discus so I'll be getting more Sterbai as well.  A lot of ifs at the moment but my mate is holding the tank for me.  I just have to hope he doesn't get the urge to set it back up for himself lol.
Akasha72 said:
Anyone else want to join corydora anonymous lol
Can you still be a cory addict even if do not have any cories?
My water is not suitable for cories :sad: And yet I'd LOVE to have some cories, especially the cute little Salt & Peppers (habrusous) :)
you can be an honoury member ch4rlie
Hi, my name is Andrea and I'm a cory addict.
I have had only two species, but mine have multiplied in the community tank.
I can't wait for the ones I have now to start breeding, but they have a bit of growing to do yet.
we're a growing group! I'm not quite sure what it says about us all but it certainly looks like Cories are a real favourite amongst a lot of us :D
PepperjacksMama said:
Hi, Akasha.
We don't judge here at C.A., we're all here to support one another.
I got a nice surprise last night at lights on. Seems the Bronze and Albinos were busy yesterday. Eggs all over the glass. The little sneaks showed no courting behavior.
So a big cold water change on Tuesday and you were surprised? If your Aeneas cats were well conditioned you got what you should have expected.
Hi oldman ... I've done large water changes with cooler water all the time and my lot just carry on as normal. I've tried coinciding the cool water change with low pressure and still nothing. I've come to the conclusion that the cool water change inducing spawning is a myth. As is the low pressure weather conditions
In my experience cories spawn when they feel like it. Whether they've had a water change or there's a low pressure system blowing in is purely coincidental 

Either that or my cories are just a law unto themselves
As for mine, the surprise was the spawn. Big waterchanges with cooler water is the norm.
Normally I spot the chasing, as my boys are a randy lot. Buy this time not.
The waterchange was Sunday, maintenance day. But no sign of spawns since last Summer.
woke up to a dead harley this morning :(  I think it was the remaining elderly one from 3 or 4 years ago. It was looking 'tired' yesterday, hanging around near the surface and looking like it was an effort to stay upright. So now I need to buy more than 8 or 9! Now I think I'm looking to buy either 10 or 12. 
All the more reason to seriously think about breeding them...
yeah, your probably right and if I had space to set up a breeding tank I'd definitely try.
I was thinking back and trying to work out how old the original one's would be and they could have been around 5 years+. I know I'll of had the Rio 240 two and a half years and the 180 I had for about 18 months before that. The Harlequins were bought new to go in the 180 I think so allowing for growing to sellable size the last remaining one had probably lived longer than I thought.
Far_King said:
my water is stained. I use redbush tea to stain the water yellow. 
Can't do dwarf neons cos of my angels ... they'd see food for certain there
That's great :)  I never thought of using tea :)
Rooibos tea... Great for fish.

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