Thinking About Tiger Barbs

Black ruby barbs; they look awesome specially when they go completely black and do those tight spins around each other. Got 8 of them with 3 gourami a molly and 12 bronze corydoras. Get along great, my black molly likes to pretend its a barb and attempts the spin they do and fails doing some random flip out quite hilarious.
googled the ruby barbs and they look awesome maybe a trip to my lfs is in order

thanks guys for all your suggestions,

any other suggestions ??
Bolivian Ram.

I was advised against it in my 29 gallon tank, but I did it anyway and am very pleased I did.

My tank is lightly planted with a hollow log, multi-tiered slate "building", and a multi-tiered artificial bonsai tree.

The Rams keep to themselves near the bottom of the tank, in the building, and around the plants. The barbs swim around the tank's top-middle zones or commune in the "branches" of the tree generally minding their own business.

EDIT: I'm not sure how a Bolivian Ram will fare against the Rainbow Shark, though.
I found any fish with long fins don't get on well with Tiger barbs, but I've kept some fish with long fins with my tiger barbs (Tiger barbs in a school of around 10 - 15) and I saw very little fin nipping if not none. I found as long as you have a very large school of Tiger Barbs you should be fine, But its always a risk, I took a risk and it never back fired on me :D.
I just got fifteen tiger barbs a couple night ago and was going to get ten silver dollars to go with them but im really liking the tiger barbs. Im even thinking about doubling my tigers numbers and getting another shoal of maybe rosey barbs to go with. They are really peronable fish so far. No nipping as of yet but they have a whole 6'tank to roam around in. I would suggest tigers if you are interested. Very active and fun to watch. I currently have them with five clown loaches six skirted tetra and a clown pleco. Good luck on your search for fish my friend!
arrrrghhh there's so many conflicting stories i dont know what to do,

at the moment i have a rescued 10 inch Gibbicep (Sailfin Pleco) a fairly sized rainbow and a cae that are pretty much dominating the bottom of the tank,

thanks for all replies

i'll have a long think about what im gunna do

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