Fish Crazy
I'm thinking about getting another shoal of tetras for my 55 Gallon mostly south american biotope (I ruined it with my platys...). Right now I have:
10 Glowlight tetras
2 Albino BNs
5 Platys
and 2 Bolivian Rams.
What kind of tetras would you suggest? A few that my favorite LFS always has:
Black Skirts and White Skirts
Head and Tail lights
Buenos Aires
They also occasionally have albino, green, or black neons, rummynoses, emperors, x-rays, and others. Hopefully based on the all the time list what are your favorite type? I'd like something that forms a tight shoal, my glowlights very rarely stick all together. I'd love rummynoses, but I've only seen them there once.
I'm thinking about getting another shoal of tetras for my 55 Gallon mostly south american biotope (I ruined it with my platys...). Right now I have:
10 Glowlight tetras
2 Albino BNs
5 Platys
and 2 Bolivian Rams.
What kind of tetras would you suggest? A few that my favorite LFS always has:
Black Skirts and White Skirts
Head and Tail lights
Buenos Aires
They also occasionally have albino, green, or black neons, rummynoses, emperors, x-rays, and others. Hopefully based on the all the time list what are your favorite type? I'd like something that forms a tight shoal, my glowlights very rarely stick all together. I'd love rummynoses, but I've only seen them there once.