Thinking about giving up fish keeping


Boss Major
Dec 1, 2003
Reaction score
San Francisco/San Jose, CA
I cant do weekly water changes anymore because i dont have the time. does anybody want to buy two 10 gal tanks with two top fin 10 filters. a 250 watt hagen heater, a 5 gal tank with 25 watt hagen heater and a whisper internal filter for 85 dollars? you have to pay shipping
Hmm not interested in the whole set, although a good deal IMO. But how much are you willing to part with the 5 gal tank with acc. ?
What density of fish do you have, if you reduce that then you can go for fortnights or longer without having to water change.
Hello If you dont want any of that i will be more than happy to take it off your hands and i will pay for shipping. Do you know what the shipping will cost. Let me know because i need more tanks.
Find someone who will adopt them, or give them to the buyer. But why don't you try reducing the water changes to once a month? Get some plants to help you bring the Nitrates down and add some distilled water to replace the water lost to evaporation.
i havent done a water change in like 2 months, i just lost a gourami yesterday. i cant buy live plants because my mom wont let me, she says they are too expensive. the electric bill has gone up too
if you still want to get rid of them hesperia is about an 7 hr. drive. So shipping shouldnt all to bad. its by san bernardino, barstow......
Dorkhedeos said:
i havent done a water change in like 2 months, i just lost a gourami yesterday. i cant buy live plants because my mom wont let me, she says they are too expensive. the electric bill has gone up too
well... i found out that.... its better to have live plants ;), they are as expensive as plastic ones, so you could mix some live one with the plastic ones and you dont need CO2 just some fertilizer and thats all :) oh good light too , i say no for the CO2 cuz its expensive, an your tanks arent that big to need it, low-medium plants are the best for you, not expensive at all and the most of them are very easy to take care of :) i have medium-low plants, and i find them very unique :) cuz you can find the color ones in plastic/silk plants :)

hope that helped :) :thumbs:

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