Thinking About Clown Loaches


Fish Gatherer
Jul 23, 2007
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Hi there,

Until I saw a group of CL at the LFS I wasn't interested in them at all, but recently I've been thinking of getting some to add activity to my tank.
Having watched videos on youtube, the CL seem to be active basically all of the time and I was wondering if this is actually the case? I would like to have a small school of active fish. I was thinking of getting of around 5/6 of them as I know they like to be in groups (the ones at my LFS are too big for the dat to swallow, but I forgot how much they were, so a suggested price would be useful just to see if I would be paying over the odds).

The tank is a standard 90 gallon (48"x18" footprint - is 5/6 a good number for this?), the inhabitants include 1 indo dat (grow out) and 4 hujeta. I was thinking the markings of the CL would compliment the colourings and markings of the datnoid. Its a sand substrate with a large piece of bogwood and a piece of slate with a few plants. So basically I'm asking for all your opinions on this mix, I've seen some videos with dats and CL, also people saying they have had this combination before.

So incase you got lost reading that (I know I would have :p) my questions are:
1) Are CL as active as the videos of them on youtube?
2) Whats the going price for CL (I know this varies but any indication would be nice)?
3) Any opinions of CL mixing with an indo dat/hujeta (except the dat eating the Cl, which I can't see at all due to sizes involved)?
4) How many CL would you recommend for a 90 USG tank?

Many thanks for reading and I value any input you have,
With that tank size, I'd say yes, 5/6 clowns would work out :good: Something to keep in mind, there should be a high rate of water flow, you might consider looking up "river tank manifolds". I'm not sure about those tankmates, so I can't comment but I'm sure someone else will. Yes, clowns are as active as the youtube vids. However, they are also notorious lazy fish which often lay about in interesting positions and in interesting spots, which is also entertaining :) . They'll be active when it's nearing feeding time if it's routine, which is always great entertainment. Theyre great fish to keep they have great personalities; make sure to keep up on the water quality :good:

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