Thinking About Breeding


Fish Fanatic
Feb 23, 2006
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I've kept two male bettas in a well planted 55 gallon tank for a year and a half(about a minute ago, removed recently added gold gouramis due to aggression), and they haven't ripped each other to pieces. They have no tears or marks, in fact both their colors are always bright, and showing. They rarely flare up, and when they do, they just stare at each other until one or the other goes into the plants. I've been thinking about breeding them. I have a spare 12 gallon and was wondering if I should put one of them in there with a female, but if I do, could I reintroduce him into the 55 without a blood bath? If not, could he live in the 12 gallon, or would I have to move him into a 5 gallon divided tank with the female after breeding? The bright ruby one is probably the one I'd breed.
:crazy: You have two males in one tank? I always wondered if it would be possible to keep two in a large tank with plenty of hidding places but I would never try it as I have seen what happens when two males get together! Seriously I would get them their own little tank each it would be much better for them! If you want to breed you really do need to read the pinned topic of Wuvmybettas it has a lot of useful information! I'm on my 2nd/3rd attempt of breeding and its not as easy as I thought getting the bettas to spawn is the easiest part its raising the fry thats the difficult part! Also if you've had your males for over a year they might be too old to breed from now IMO but I could be wrong!
Yeah, they do seem pretty old. And no I've decided against breeding because after them staying together, for this long, well, I really shouldn't ruin everything while it's going nicely. There is also no way I'm going to separate them unless I see tears, marks, skittishness, or high aggression between them. They are doing perfectly fine. Well thanks all.

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