Thinking about a crayfish

Umm william..... Cray fish need clean water, and well oxygenated water. Its a miracle that your crayfish stayed alive. Unless your crayfish was a swamp crayfish, i dont see how it could of lived in your 1 gallon tank. Just because the crayfish could live under poor conditions like that, doesnt mean they should be kept that way. :huh:
Most crayfish live in streams, streams have crystal clear water and they are very well oxygenated. Cray fish need alot of oxygen because they hang around on the bottom of the tank, and they cant swim around near the surface of the tank to get oxygen. And oxygen doesnt sink in water...
Snail guy, if you really want to do a crayfish tank, i would get like a 15 gal tank, 2ft long, put some sand and mix it with some river stones. Then get a fluval internal filter to produce a current like a power head, and for oxygen, instead of gettin a bubbler, get a sponge filter, they produce bubbles and arent expensive. They are just like the bubble stones, you hook the tube up to the end of the sponge filter and it works. This will provide very clean water, and good oxygen for the crayfish. Another thing you should do is to add large rounded smooth rocks. This would give the tank a stream look, and your crayfish could burrow under them. You could probably add some white clouds too, but they would be eaten if caught.
You can actualy keep crayfish in very shallow water instead of oxygenating highly. The problems arise if you put them in deep water without powerful aeration. However, they do need regular water changes and several crayfish kept together will likely tare each other apart if not given adequate room. In particular, if they are growing properly, they'll shed regularly and they need a place to hide while their 'shell' hardens up again. BTW, crayfish aren't tropical so don't keep them in realy high 'tropical' temps. They need a slightly lower temperature to be comfortable. If you ask in teh inverts section you'll get mroe responses. Also, a google search brings up page upon page of info.
Its true you can put a crayfish in very little water, as long as they can get their heads out, they can breathe. The issue comes in would you rather have a filter and aeration, or would you rather have them in little water that you have to clean often? I'd rather spend a bit of money and have the tank look solid than have to clean it at least once a week.
Snailguy101 said:
Teelie leave him alone william if you need help messege em
He was put on "probation' for a reason. Most other boards simply call it a temporary ban. It should be clear from previous postings why that happened. Also not so sure anyone should take his help either given he's ignored practically everyone else's and done or claimed to have done some rather bad things with fish. Rude as I may sound, it's the truth.
no one has to take my advice im not forcing anyone to take my advice and i dont have to take anyones advice if i dont want to
william718 said:
thats a nice claim now can u prove it ??? no ?? then shut your mouth
I could, I can and I will if anyone demands proof of it from me. No one has to take your advice but if they don't realize you aren't as experienced as other members, they might not realize the mistakes.
From what i gathered william you just kept on doing tons of threads asking questions over and over again without taking a single drop of advice or even appeared to listen, and that is why you got suspended. I know i have already commented on the way you keep your crayfish in a 1gal bowl, but try to hold back from giving the advice you have been giving to owner of this thread as most of your advice is bad and most crayfish would die within weeks- try to make an example of yourself before you advise others on their ways ;) .
what do u know you dont own crayfish,and if u read my threads its always other people starting it, why dont u read them, because people give me different answersto my questions, some say 1 fish per 10 gallon some say 4 some say 6, some say thats too small for anyfish
Even if that were true, it only applies to your particular crayfish and not the multitude of species out there in the hobby, of which most need to have different requirements for living.
well what do u know teelie guess what ! this is a crayfish post ! not a fish post !
Just because I don't keep crayfish now, doesn't mean I haven't before, or that I don't know how to keep them at all. And seeing as this is a crayfish post, it should be in the Inverts forum where there is more information and discussion on them. :)
well havent u noticed, the advice people are giving other people are based on there experience with '' their'' fish , that person cant base how there fish will be the same as everyone elses in this forum

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