We lost one of our fish a couple of days a go to what we believe was fin rot- he had little white cotton-wooly stuff on the end of his tail, stopped eating and then died.
We cleaned the tank thoroughly (we have 3 others, separated by glass, but in the same tank). 2 seem fine but now another one is sick. I've isolated him, put him in a clean, small tank, the PH is right, temperature is fine (heating lamp), and we've put an anti-bacterial solution in his water, but he is just sitting at the bottom of the tank breathing really fast (at least it seems faster than what it was). Occassionally he'll go psycho, rush to the top of the tank and go round and round really fast with his mouth at the surface. Oh and he's not eating at all.
I don't know what more I can do- any suggestions?
We cleaned the tank thoroughly (we have 3 others, separated by glass, but in the same tank). 2 seem fine but now another one is sick. I've isolated him, put him in a clean, small tank, the PH is right, temperature is fine (heating lamp), and we've put an anti-bacterial solution in his water, but he is just sitting at the bottom of the tank breathing really fast (at least it seems faster than what it was). Occassionally he'll go psycho, rush to the top of the tank and go round and round really fast with his mouth at the surface. Oh and he's not eating at all.
I don't know what more I can do- any suggestions?