Fish Crazy
It's just resting on the bottom in the same place all the time behind some wood and not eating. Usually it's very active.
It's in with Discus so it's good water quality:
Ph around 6.5 -6.8
Nitrates, ammonia & nitrite are fine.
If there was something wrong with the water then I think a Discus would be harmed before a fighter, and all my Discus are fine. Had him for about 1 & 1/2 years, and they live for 3 years?
It's in with Discus so it's good water quality:
Ph around 6.5 -6.8
Nitrates, ammonia & nitrite are fine.
If there was something wrong with the water then I think a Discus would be harmed before a fighter, and all my Discus are fine. Had him for about 1 & 1/2 years, and they live for 3 years?