Well, the fishy life is full of ups and downs isn't it? My super-swollen Betta Alpha passed away today. I guess he must have read the same article I did
So.....after posthumously thanking him for all the pleasure he had given me I sterilized his bowl and put Beelzebubbles in there next to my other boys, and I have to say the difference in his behavior is remarkable. He was very inactive in the Edge tank, mostly just sitting. Now he is swimming about, flaring at the others whenever he catches a glimpse through the plants, and he's EATING... Yay!
That means the new tank is empty again (is this an exciting journal or what??) I did a 70% water change, put in the plants I bought today and it's looking really cool. The water is still cloudy, but I am assured it will clear with patience (like that's a strong point of mine).
I was a bit disappointed that the girl at my LFS did not know the names of ANY aquatic plants except amazon sword, So, according to her I bought 'two fluffy ones and one lumpy purple one' oh, and a small moss ball (at least she kinda knew what that was)
Here are some pics if anyone can help identify further.
And here are pics of how the tank looks planted. Once again my trusty assistant was supervising the water addition.
The last picture shows one of the really cool features of the Edge - the super-clear view from on top. It's a bit bubbly because of having only just topped the tank up. I'll post more pictures as the tank matures.
Yes the tank is heated, but the lack of open water surface was one of the reasons I moved him. I agree that these tanks really aren't ideal for Bettas or other labyrinth fish.