They Keep Fighting!


New Member
Sep 30, 2007
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My longfin blue danios have been replaced by demons over night....... This morning I spent my usual time watching the fish and noticed that the LFB's were harrassing my zebra danios like theres no tomorrow- they corner one inbetween the rocks for the cave and the wall or floor and just harrass him till he manages to squirm away.... They're so busy fighting that when I tapped on the lid and fed breakfast only 2 or 3 bothered to come and eat. I'm worried! I don't have another tank to segregate them with.. and the LFS doesn't open till 12... and i DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO! They've been fine for 2 weeks, why this sudden change in attitude?????? (ps there are 6 of each in there, and one baby sultan plec, who hangs out in his cave far away from the danios)

if you can get to the lfs at 12 to get a divider/breeding net as a short term solution, how about bagging one species and floating the unsealed bag in the tank to make a temporary divider until you go to the lfs?

lots and lots of plants would provide more separation and hiding places.

how big is your tank?
My tank is a 55 gallon, there are 3 caves, not many plants - but I am getting plecs and can't really put in lots of plants if there's gunna be room to swim. It seems like they keep cornering them at one end of the tank and fighting over there by the sponge filter and the rock caves. I really don't want to get rid of them, but idk what else to do! I can't have them harrassing each other to death.

Also- I HAD a bag, and I think someone threw it away on me, cuz i cant find it. So I have no means of separating them for at least an hour or more...

It's almost like the zebra's aggression when I first put the blues in... except the blues arent stopping, and theyre more agressive, and determined!

Maybe I'll run to petsmart after I feed my other animals and get a breeding net or something to put the zebras in...

Why would they just suddenly try to kill each other?? They got along perfect for weeks.....

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