The fry are so pretty! And your tanks look great! You've come really far in such a short time. :good:

Thank you so much, i've been putting alot of effort into these tanks I just wish I had more space for a bigger tank. The danio fry really are beautiful I know someone mentioned they wouldnt do well in my 20g but they seem just fine. There are now about 15 of them now and the fry seem to stick together and the adults are busy doing their own thing.

That's amazing! congratulations! tank looks great too!

Thank you I really appreciate it.
**Another update**

I finally felt like I was ready for some more Corys as the 2 C. Aeneus I have have been on their own since I got into the hobby so I picked up 4 more they are being quarentined for now, is 2 weeks long enough?

I also picked up 6 pygmy Corys

As soon as I can get my hands on a few more Trilineatus they will also be bumped up to a school of 6.
Update apart from setting up a high tech nano tank home to a beautiful butterfly half moon betta and two dwarf anchor cats. Also I think I may have a slight problem ? today I purchased 12 20g tanks from a local lfs ? from a 5g last year July to a fish room build now this hobby is absolutely amazing


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Update apart from setting up a high tech nano tank home to a beautiful butterfly half moon betta and two dwarf anchor cats. Also I think I may have a slight problem ? today I purchased 12 20g tanks from a local lfs ? from a 5g last year July to a fish room build now this hobby is absolutely amazing

Wow! Your betta tank looks amazing, and so does your betta! This hobby really is super addicting, isn't it? Good luck with your fish room build! Do you know what fish you're going to get once it's finished?

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